- Cartesian split
- Horizontal split
Hybrid computation with multiple parallel computation level :
(Cluster level) -> (Machine level) -> (CPU Level) -> (Core Level)
- Distributed parallel operations layer with MPI domain splitting.
- Multithreaded parallel operations layer with OpenMP.
- Vectorized parallel operations layer with cached blocked loops.
Usage of HWLOC to gather hierarchical topology and specified thread core process binding.
Boost was used for program_options. The cmake will download and build program_options only if boost is not found. Only this library will be linked to reduce the library loading overhead.
rm -rf build-cartesian-split/ && \
cmake -B build-cartesian-split \
-DOPENMP:BOOL=TRUE -S cartesian-split && \
cmake --build build-cartesian-split
Build :
rm -rf build-horizontal-split/ && \
cmake -B build-horizontal-split \
-DOPENMP:BOOL=TRUE -S horizontal-split && \
cmake --build build-horizontal-split
Run :
mpirun \
--mca osc pt2pt \
--mca orte_base_help_aggregate false \
--mca btl_openib_allow_ib true \
--mca opal_common_ucx_opal_mem_hooks true \
-np ${1} \
./build-horizontal-split/bin/stencil \
--nbr_of_column 80000 \
--nbr_of_row 80000 \
--nbr_iters 10000 \
--ompthread_nbr ${OMP_NUM_THREADS} \
--init_val 1
C++ 17 was used due to usage of string_view and initializer_list.
MPI for distributed layer.
OpenMP for multithreading purpose.
This project was built with slurm as cluster node scheduler.