This project is an extension that adds MLflow automatic tracing for txtai
The easiest way to install is via pip and PyPI
pip install mlflow-txtai
The following is a list of examples showing how this plugin works. This notebook also has all of these examples.
The following code initializes the environment. It assumes a mlflow server is running locally. That can be started as follows.
mlflow server --host --port 8000
import mlflow
# Enable txtai automatic tracing
The first example traces a Textractor pipeline.
from txtai.pipeline import Textractor
with mlflow.start_run():
textractor = Textractor()
Next, we'll trace an Embeddings query.
from txtai import Embeddings
with mlflow.start_run():
wiki = Embeddings()
wiki.load(provider="huggingface-hub", container="neuml/txtai-wikipedia-slim")
embeddings = Embeddings(content=True, graph=True)
embeddings.index("SELECT id, text FROM txtai LIMIT 25"))"MATCH (A)-[]->(B) RETURN A")
The next example traces a RAG pipeline.
from txtai import Embeddings, RAG
with mlflow.start_run():
wiki = Embeddings()
wiki.load(provider="huggingface-hub", container="neuml/txtai-wikipedia-slim")
# Define prompt template
template = """
Answer the following question using only the context below. Only include information
specifically discussed.
question: {question}
context: {context} """
# Create RAG pipeline
rag = RAG(
system="You are a friendly assistant. You answer questions from users.",
rag("Tell me about the Roman Empire", maxlength=2048)
This example runs a workflow. This workflow runs an embeddings query and then translates each result to French.
from txtai import Embeddings, Workflow
from txtai.pipeline import Translation
from txtai.workflow import Task
with mlflow.start_run():
wiki = Embeddings()
wiki.load(provider="huggingface-hub", container="neuml/txtai-wikipedia-slim")
# Translation instance
translate = Translation()
workflow = Workflow([
Task(lambda x: [y[0]["text"] for y in wiki.batchsearch(x, 1)]),
Task(lambda x: translate(x, "fr"))
print(list(workflow(["Roman Empire", "Greek Empire", "Industrial Revolution"])))
The last example runs a txtai agent designed to research questions on astronomy.
from txtai import Agent, Embeddings
def search(query):
Searches a database of astronomy data.
Make sure to call this tool only with a string input, never use JSON.
query: concepts to search for using similarity search
list of search results with for each match
"SELECT id, text, distance FROM txtai WHERE similar(:query)",
10, parameters={"query": query}
embeddings = Embeddings()
embeddings.load(provider="huggingface-hub", container="neuml/txtai-astronomy")
agent = Agent(
researcher = """
Do the following.
- Search for results related to the topic.
- Analyze the results
- Continue querying until conclusive answers are found
- Write a Markdown report
with mlflow.start_run():
Write a detailed list with explanations of 10 candidate stars that could potentially be habitable to life.
"""), maxlength=16000)