Basic utilities for comparing models to neural & behavioral data, along with packaging these data in Python (from Matlab).
To install run:
git clone
cd brainmodel_utils/
pip install -e .
After installing the package, you can use it as follows:
from brainmodel_utils.metrics.consistency import get_linregress_consistency
import numpy as np
## Example data (substitute with your actual model/data!)
source = np.random.randn(100, 50) # 100 stimuli, 50 model features
# Alternatively, if `source` is from another animal (rather than a model), you can include a trials dimension:
target = np.random.randn(20, 100, 50) # 20 trials, 100 stimuli, 50 units
## Linear regression parameters (we usually recommend Ridge with a user defined alpha that has been cross-validated
# via median consistency on a val set of your choosing!)
alpha = 1.0
map_kwargs = {
"map_type": "sklinear",
"map_kwargs": {
"regression_type": "Ridge",
"regression_kwargs": {"alpha": alpha},
# see below for other map types
## Compute consistency
consistency_results = get_linregress_consistency(
num_bootstrap_iters=1000, # Number of bootstrap split-half iterations
num_parallel_jobs=100, # Parallelization across split-halves for speed
start_seed=42, # Reproducibility seed
metric="pearsonr" # Use "rsa_pearsonr/spearmanr" for RSA instead,
# in which case use an Identity Map (see below)
We support a range of standard map types (listed here), from no mapping (IdentityNeuralMap
) used for RSA (implemented here), to 1-to-1 simple correlation-based mapping of units from source to target (PercentileNeuralMap
), Partial Least Squares (PLSNeuralMap
), and the scikit-learn
mapping functions like Ridge/Lasso/ElasticNet (SKLinearNeuralMap
Example usages are below for each, but feel free to PR your own!
# Identity (only for use with RSA via "rsa_pearsonr/spearmanr")
map_kwargs = {"map_type": "identity"}
# 1-to-1 mapping, finds the best (100th percentile) unit in source to match to each target unit, on train set
map_kwargs = {"map_type": "percentile"}
# 1-to-1 mapping using 95th percentile group rather than absolute best source unit
alpha = 1.0 # we strongly recommend cross-validating this!
map_kwargs = {
"map_type": "percentile",
"map_kwargs": {
"percentile": 95,
"identity": False, # must be set if percentile < 100, since you can no longer use the identity transform
"regression_type": "Ridge",
"regression_kwargs": {"alpha": alpha},
# ElasticNet regression
alpha = 1.0 # we strongly recommend cross-validating this!
l1_ratio = 0.5 # we strongly recommend cross-validating this!
map_kwargs = {
"map_type": "sklinear",
"map_kwargs": {
"regression_type": "ElasticNet",
"regression_kwargs": {"alpha": alpha, "l1_ratio": l1_ratio},
# Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression. Note we do not use `sklinear` for this,
# since `scikit-learn` sets `scale=True` by default for PLS,
# which is **not** what we want for neural data (we want `scale=False`).
map_kwargs = {
"map_type": "pls",
"map_kwargs": {
"n_components": 25, # we recommend cross-validating this, or going as high as feasible; e.g., 100 components is good too!
Under the hood, PipelineNeuralMap
is called for each of these, which can chain these mappings with additional factorization if you like, by passing in factor_kwargs
The function returns a dictionary of values. The most relevant one, which contains the predictivity per neuron is "r_xy_n_sb"
The convention is that:
refers to the source (brain or model)Y
refers to the target brainr
is the Pearson or Spearman correlationn
indicates that the metric is computed per neuronsb
refers to the Spearman-Brown correction applied to the split-half consistencies in the denominator
With this convention in mind, we now explain each of the keys and values of the dictionary that is returned:
The dictionary has two top-level keys: "train"
and "test"
, each mapping to another dictionary containing the following metrics:
Noise-corrected correlation (Spearman-Brown corrected) computed per neuron.
This is the primary metric indicating predictivity of the source–target mapping. -
Split-half correlation of the source’s predicted responses. -
Spearman-Brown–corrected split-half correlation of the source’s predicted responses. -
Split-half correlation of the actual target brain responses. -
Spearman-Brown–corrected split-half correlation of the actual target brain responses. -
Raw correlation between predicted and actual responses (uncorrected for noise). -
The denominator used in the noise-corrected correlation (the full "Statistical Noise Ceiling"):$$\text{denom\_sb} = \sqrt{\left(\text{r\_xx\_sb}\right) \cdot \left(\text{r\_yy\_sb}\right)}$$ If this value is undefined (e.g., negative or zero),
is set to NaN.
"train": {
"r_xy_n_sb": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>,
"r_xx": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>,
"r_xx_sb": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>,
"r_yy": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>,
"r_yy_sb": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>,
"r_xy": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>,
"denom_sb": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>
"test": {
"r_xy_n_sb": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>,
"r_xx": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>,
"r_xx_sb": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>,
"r_yy": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>,
"r_yy_sb": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>,
"r_xy": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>,
"denom_sb": <[bootstraps, splits, units]>
If you have any questions or encounter issues, either submit a Github issue here (preferred) or email me.