Build and manipulate knowledge graphs in Node.js
- addNode
- hasNode
- getNode
- getNodes
- addEdge (manages in/outDegree of nodes)
- hasEdge
- getEdges
- toAdjacencyMatrix
- getMatrix
- getLabels
- inDegree
- outDegree
- getEdge
- addNodes
- addEdges
- removeNode
- removeNodes
- removeEdge
- removeEdges
- Get neighbors of node
- Get degree distribution of graph
- Get assortativity of graph
- Get degree balance of directed node (ratio of inDegree to outDegree)
- Define paths and path length
- Define cycles
- Define walks
- Get isConnected of graph (paths exist between all nodes)
- Get distance between nodes
- Get distance matrix of graph
- Get graph diameter (global maximum of the distance matrix)