Create studysets for meta-analysis
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0
- Package version: 0.0.1
- Generator version: 7.11.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Python 3.8+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import neurostore_sdk
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import neurostore_sdk
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import neurostore_sdk
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = neurostore_sdk.Configuration(
host = ""
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with neurostore_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = neurostore_sdk.AnalysesApi(api_client)
search = 'imagin' # str | search for entries that contain the substring (optional)
sort = 'created_at' # str | Parameter to sort results on (optional) (default to 'created_at')
page = 56 # int | page of results (optional)
desc = True # bool | sort results by descending order (as opposed to ascending order) (optional)
page_size = 56 # int | number of results to show on a page (optional)
name = 'name_example' # str | search the name field for a term (optional)
description = 'description_example' # str | search description field for a term (optional)
nested = True # bool | whether to show the URI to a resource (false) or to embed the object in the response (true) (optional)
# GET list of analyses
api_response = api_instance.analyses_get(search=search, sort=sort, page=page, desc=desc, page_size=page_size, name=name, description=description, nested=nested)
print("The response of AnalysesApi->analyses_get:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AnalysesApi->analyses_get: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AnalysesApi | analyses_get | GET /analyses/ | GET list of analyses |
AnalysesApi | analyses_id_delete | DELETE /analyses/{id} | DELETE an analysis |
AnalysesApi | analyses_id_get | GET /analyses/{id} | GET an analysis |
AnalysesApi | analyses_id_put | PUT /analyses/{id} | PUT/update an analysis |
AnalysesApi | analyses_post | POST /analyses/ | POST/create an analysis |
AnalysesApi | annotation_analyses_get | GET /annotation-analyses/ | Get annotation analyses |
AnalysesApi | annotation_analyses_id_get | GET /annotation-analyses/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
AnalysesApi | annotation_analyses_id_put | PUT /annotation-analyses/{id} | Your PUT endpoint |
AnalysesApi | annotation_analyses_post | POST /annotation-analyses/ | Your POST endpoint |
AnnotationsApi | annotation_analyses_get | GET /annotation-analyses/ | Get annotation analyses |
AnnotationsApi | annotation_analyses_id_get | GET /annotation-analyses/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
AnnotationsApi | annotation_analyses_id_put | PUT /annotation-analyses/{id} | Your PUT endpoint |
AnnotationsApi | annotation_analyses_post | POST /annotation-analyses/ | Your POST endpoint |
AnnotationsApi | annotations_get | GET /annotations/ | Your GET endpoint |
AnnotationsApi | annotations_id_delete | DELETE /annotations/{id} | DELETE an annotation |
AnnotationsApi | annotations_id_get | GET /annotations/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
AnnotationsApi | annotations_id_put | PUT /annotations/{id} | Update an annotation |
AnnotationsApi | annotations_post | POST /annotations/ | Post Annotation |
ConditionsApi | conditions_get | GET /conditions/ | GET Conditions |
ConditionsApi | conditions_id_delete | DELETE /conditions/{id} | DELETE a condition |
ConditionsApi | conditions_id_get | GET /conditions/{id} | GET a condition |
ConditionsApi | conditions_id_put | PUT /conditions/{id} | PUT/update a condition |
ConditionsApi | conditions_post | POST /conditions/ | POST/Create a condition |
ImagesApi | images_get | GET /images/ | GET a list of images |
ImagesApi | images_id_delete | DELETE /images/{id} | DELETE an image |
ImagesApi | images_id_get | GET /images/{id} | GET an image |
ImagesApi | images_id_put | PUT /images/{id} | PUT/update an image |
ImagesApi | images_post | POST /images/ | POST/create an image |
PipelineConfigsApi | pipeline_configs_get | GET /pipeline-configs/ | GET a list of pipeline configs |
PipelineConfigsApi | pipeline_configs_id_delete | DELETE /pipeline-configs/{id} | DELETE a pipeline config by ID |
PipelineConfigsApi | pipeline_configs_id_get | GET /pipeline-configs/{id} | GET a pipeline config by ID |
PipelineConfigsApi | pipeline_configs_id_put | PUT /pipeline-configs/{id} | PUT/update a pipeline config by ID |
PipelineConfigsApi | pipeline_configs_post | POST /pipeline-configs/ | POST/create a pipeline config |
PipelineRunResultVotesApi | pipeline_run_result_votes_get | GET /pipeline-run-result-votes/ | GET a list of pipeline run result votes |
PipelineRunResultVotesApi | pipeline_run_result_votes_pipeline_run_result_vote_id_delete | DELETE /pipeline-run-result-votes/{pipeline_run_result_vote_id} | DELETE a pipeline run result vote by ID |
PipelineRunResultVotesApi | pipeline_run_result_votes_pipeline_run_result_vote_id_get | GET /pipeline-run-result-votes/{pipeline_run_result_vote_id} | GET a pipeline run result vote by ID |
PipelineRunResultVotesApi | pipeline_run_result_votes_pipeline_run_result_vote_id_put | PUT /pipeline-run-result-votes/{pipeline_run_result_vote_id} | PUT/update a pipeline run result vote by ID |
PipelineRunResultVotesApi | pipeline_run_result_votes_post | POST /pipeline-run-result-votes/ | POST/create a pipeline run result vote |
PipelineRunResultsApi | pipeline_run_results_get | GET /pipeline-run-results/ | GET a list of pipeline run results |
PipelineRunResultsApi | pipeline_run_results_pipeline_run_result_id_delete | DELETE /pipeline-run-results/{pipeline_run_result_id} | DELETE a pipeline run result by ID |
PipelineRunResultsApi | pipeline_run_results_pipeline_run_result_id_get | GET /pipeline-run-results/{pipeline_run_result_id} | GET a pipeline run result by ID |
PipelineRunResultsApi | pipeline_run_results_pipeline_run_result_id_put | PUT /pipeline-run-results/{pipeline_run_result_id} | PUT/update a pipeline run result by ID |
PipelineRunResultsApi | pipeline_run_results_post | POST /pipeline-run-results/ | POST/create a pipeline run result |
PipelineRunsApi | pipeline_runs_get | GET /pipeline-runs/ | GET a list of pipeline runs |
PipelineRunsApi | pipeline_runs_pipeline_run_id_delete | DELETE /pipeline-runs/{pipeline_run_id} | DELETE a pipeline run by ID |
PipelineRunsApi | pipeline_runs_pipeline_run_id_get | GET /pipeline-runs/{pipeline_run_id} | GET a pipeline run by ID |
PipelineRunsApi | pipeline_runs_pipeline_run_id_put | PUT /pipeline-runs/{pipeline_run_id} | PUT/update a pipeline run by ID |
PipelineRunsApi | pipeline_runs_post | POST /pipeline-runs/ | POST/create a pipeline run |
PipelinesApi | pipelines_get | GET /pipelines/ | GET a list of pipelines |
PipelinesApi | pipelines_id_delete | DELETE /pipelines/{id} | DELETE a pipeline by ID |
PipelinesApi | pipelines_id_get | GET /pipelines/{id} | GET a pipeline by ID |
PipelinesApi | pipelines_id_put | PUT /pipelines/{id} | PUT/update a pipeline by ID |
PipelinesApi | pipelines_post | POST /pipelines/ | POST/create a pipeline |
PointsApi | points_get | GET /points/ | Get Points |
PointsApi | points_id_delete | DELETE /points/{id} | DELETE a point |
PointsApi | points_id_get | GET /points/{id} | GET a point |
PointsApi | points_id_put | PUT /points/{id} | PUT/update a point |
PointsApi | points_post | POST /points/ | POST Points |
StoreApi | analyses_get | GET /analyses/ | GET list of analyses |
StoreApi | analyses_id_delete | DELETE /analyses/{id} | DELETE an analysis |
StoreApi | analyses_id_get | GET /analyses/{id} | GET an analysis |
StoreApi | analyses_id_put | PUT /analyses/{id} | PUT/update an analysis |
StoreApi | analyses_post | POST /analyses/ | POST/create an analysis |
StoreApi | annotation_analyses_get | GET /annotation-analyses/ | Get annotation analyses |
StoreApi | annotation_analyses_id_get | GET /annotation-analyses/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
StoreApi | annotation_analyses_id_put | PUT /annotation-analyses/{id} | Your PUT endpoint |
StoreApi | annotation_analyses_post | POST /annotation-analyses/ | Your POST endpoint |
StoreApi | annotations_get | GET /annotations/ | Your GET endpoint |
StoreApi | annotations_id_delete | DELETE /annotations/{id} | DELETE an annotation |
StoreApi | annotations_id_get | GET /annotations/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
StoreApi | annotations_id_put | PUT /annotations/{id} | Update an annotation |
StoreApi | annotations_post | POST /annotations/ | Post Annotation |
StoreApi | base_studies_get | GET /base-studies/ | |
StoreApi | base_studies_id_get | GET /base-studies/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
StoreApi | base_studies_id_put | PUT /base-studies/{id} | |
StoreApi | base_studies_post | POST /base-studies/ | |
StoreApi | conditions_get | GET /conditions/ | GET Conditions |
StoreApi | conditions_id_delete | DELETE /conditions/{id} | DELETE a condition |
StoreApi | conditions_id_get | GET /conditions/{id} | GET a condition |
StoreApi | conditions_id_put | PUT /conditions/{id} | PUT/update a condition |
StoreApi | conditions_post | POST /conditions/ | POST/Create a condition |
StoreApi | images_get | GET /images/ | GET a list of images |
StoreApi | images_id_delete | DELETE /images/{id} | DELETE an image |
StoreApi | images_id_get | GET /images/{id} | GET an image |
StoreApi | images_id_put | PUT /images/{id} | PUT/update an image |
StoreApi | images_post | POST /images/ | POST/create an image |
StoreApi | points_get | GET /points/ | Get Points |
StoreApi | points_id_delete | DELETE /points/{id} | DELETE a point |
StoreApi | points_id_get | GET /points/{id} | GET a point |
StoreApi | points_id_put | PUT /points/{id} | PUT/update a point |
StoreApi | points_post | POST /points/ | POST Points |
StoreApi | studies_get | GET /studies/ | GET a list of studies |
StoreApi | studies_id_delete | DELETE /studies/{id} | DELETE a study |
StoreApi | studies_id_get | GET /studies/{id} | GET a study |
StoreApi | studies_id_put | PUT /studies/{id} | PUT/update a study |
StoreApi | studies_post | POST /studies/ | POST/create a study |
StoreApi | studysets_id_delete | DELETE /studysets/{id} | DELETE a studyset |
StoreApi | studysets_id_get | GET /studysets/{id} | GET a studyset |
StoreApi | studysets_id_put | PUT /studysets/{id} | PUT/update a studyset |
StoreApi | studysets_post | POST /studysets/ | POST/create a studyset |
StudiesApi | base_studies_get | GET /base-studies/ | |
StudiesApi | base_studies_id_get | GET /base-studies/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
StudiesApi | base_studies_id_put | PUT /base-studies/{id} | |
StudiesApi | base_studies_post | POST /base-studies/ | |
StudiesApi | studies_get | GET /studies/ | GET a list of studies |
StudiesApi | studies_id_delete | DELETE /studies/{id} | DELETE a study |
StudiesApi | studies_id_get | GET /studies/{id} | GET a study |
StudiesApi | studies_id_put | PUT /studies/{id} | PUT/update a study |
StudiesApi | studies_post | POST /studies/ | POST/create a study |
StudysetsApi | studysets_get | GET /studysets/ | GET a list of studysets |
StudysetsApi | studysets_id_delete | DELETE /studysets/{id} | DELETE a studyset |
StudysetsApi | studysets_id_get | GET /studysets/{id} | GET a studyset |
StudysetsApi | studysets_id_put | PUT /studysets/{id} | PUT/update a studyset |
StudysetsApi | studysets_post | POST /studysets/ | POST/create a studyset |
UserApi | users_get | GET /users/ | Your GET endpoint |
UserApi | users_id_get | GET /users/{id} | Individual User Profile |
UserApi | users_id_put | PUT /users/{id} | Update Individual Profile |
UserApi | users_post | POST /users/ |
- AnalysisBase
- AnalysisCommon
- AnalysisList
- AnalysisRequest
- AnalysisRequestRelationships
- AnalysisRequestRelationshipsConditions
- AnalysisRequestRelationshipsImages
- AnalysisRequestRelationshipsPoints
- AnalysisReturn
- AnalysisReturnRelationships
- AnalysisReturnRelationshipsConditions
- AnalysisReturnRelationshipsImages
- AnalysisReturnRelationshipsPoints
- AnnotationBase
- AnnotationCommon
- AnnotationExport
- AnnotationList
- AnnotationRequest
- AnnotationRequestOneOf
- AnnotationRequestRelationships
- AnnotationRequestRelationshipsNotes
- AnnotationReturn
- AnnotationReturnOneOf
- AnnotationReturnOneOf1
- AnnotationReturnRelationships
- AnnotationReturnRelationshipsNotes
- BaseStudiesPost200Response
- BaseStudiesPostRequest
- BaseStudy
- BaseStudyList
- BaseStudyReturn
- BaseStudyVersions
- Clone
- ConditionBase
- ConditionList
- ConditionRequest
- ConditionReturn
- Entity
- ImageBase
- ImageCommon
- ImageList
- ImageRelationships
- ImageRequest
- ImageReturn
- JsonLdContext
- NestedPutAttributes
- NoteCollectionBase
- NoteCollectionList
- NoteCollectionRequest
- NoteCollectionReturn
- Pipeline
- PipelineConfig
- PipelineConfigList
- PipelineList
- PipelineRun
- PipelineRunList
- PipelineRunResult
- PipelineRunResultList
- PipelineRunResultVote
- PipelineRunResultVoteList
- PointBase
- PointCommon
- PointList
- PointRelationships
- PointRelationshipsValues
- PointRequest
- PointReturn
- PointValue
- ResourceAttributes
- StudyBase
- StudyCommon
- StudyList
- StudyRequest
- StudyRequestRelationships
- StudyRequestRelationshipsAnalyses
- StudyReturn
- StudyReturnAllOfStudysets
- StudyReturnAllOfStudysetsOneOf
- StudyReturnRelationships
- StudyReturnRelationshipsAnalyses
- StudysetBase
- StudysetList
- StudysetRequest
- StudysetRequestRelationships
- StudysetReturn
- StudysetReturnRelationships
- StudysetReturnRelationshipsStudies
- StudysetsIdGet404Response
- StudysetsIdPut422Response
- User
- UserList
- UserlessResourceAttributes
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication