A client library for use with the FloJack NFC reader.
Please help us make this a reality and contribute to our Kickstarter campaign: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/flomio/flojack-nfc-for-ipad-and-iphone/
Choose one of the following options:
Copy all the files under the FloJack group into your app.
Include FloJack as a subproject and include libFloJack.a
If you do this, you must add -ObjC to your "other linker flags" option
Import "FJNFCAdapter.h"
Your app must be linked against the following frameworks
- AudioToolbox.framework
- CoreAudio.framework
- MobileCoreServices.framework
- QuartzCore.framework
The classes you care about
Implement these guys:
@protocol SRWebSocketDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)nfcAdapter:(FJNFCAdapter *)nfcAdapter didScanTag:(FJNFCTag *)theNfcTag;
- (BOOL)nfcAdapter:(id)sender shouldWriteTagwithData:(NSData *)theData;
- (BOOL)nfcAdapter:(id)sender shouldSendMessage:(NSData *)theMessage;
- (void)nfcAdapter:(FJNFCAdapter *)nfcAdapter didReceiveFirmwareVersion:(NSString*)theVersionNumber;
- (void)nfcAdapter:(FJNFCAdapter *)nfcAdapter didReceiveHardwareVersion:(NSString*)theVersionNumber;
- (void)nfcAdapter:(FJNFCAdapter *)nfcAdapter didReceiveSnifferThresh:(NSString*)theSnifferValue;
- (void)nfcAdapterDidDetectFloJackConnected:(FJNFCAdapter *)nfcAdapter;
- (void)nfcAdapterDidDetectFloJackDisconnected:(FJNFCAdapter *)nfcAdapter;
See FloJackExample target app included in this project.
This library is actively under development, much will be changing.
- Finish implementing NDEF read/write
- Begin implementing LLCP arhcitecture
- Begin implementing SNEP atop LLCP
Interested in bringing NFC to iOS? Get in touch info at flomio dot com.