a helper to get Untappd menu pieces.
You need to generate an access token, which consists of a user email and an API key
Once you have your API key and a user for the Untappd menu with API access, you can use the UntappdMenuHelper, powered by UntappdNet to get your menu's.
First, create the byte array, this is your access token
- var byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{UntappdAdminEmail}:{UntappdAdminApiKey}");
Once your access token is created, you can start to use the UntappdMenuHelper to get your menu pieces
Instantiate a service:
- private readonly UntappdMenuJSON.UntappdService _untappdMenuService = new UntappdService();
then use the service to get: Location Data
- _untappdMenuService.GetLocationCollection(byteArray).Result;
Menu's by location
- _untappdMenuService.GetMenuCollectionByLocation(byteArray, location.Id.GetValueOrDefault()).Result;
Annoucements by location
- _untappdMenuService.GetMenuAnnouncementCollectionByLocation(byteArray, location.Id.GetValueOrDefault()).Result;
Sections by menu
- _untappdMenuService.GetSectionCollectionByMenu(byteArray, menu.Id.GetValueOrDefault()).Result;
NOTE: This is not a speedy service by any means, so using this in real time is probably a bad idea. We recommend storing the data you get somewhere and then accessed real time after it is already built. We have a job that runs daily to update the stored JSON and then we construct menu's based on the stored data depending what Location, Menu or Sections an end user wants to show.
Sample Use. Once you get it, do what you want with it.
var byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{UntappdAdminEmail}:{UntappdAdminApiKey}");
// get locations and iterate over
var locationCollection = _untappdMenuService.GetLocationCollection(byteArray).Result;
foreach (var location in locationCollection.Locations)
// get menu's and menu annoucements
var menuCollection = _untappdMenuService.GetMenuCollectionByLocation(byteArray, location.Id.GetValueOrDefault()).Result;
var annoucementCollection = _untappdMenuService.GetMenuAnnouncementCollectionByLocation(byteArray, location.Id.GetValueOrDefault()).Result;
foreach (var menu in menuCollection.Menus)
// get menu sections
var sectionCollection = _untappdMenuService.GetSectionCollectionByMenu(byteArray, menu.Id.GetValueOrDefault()).Result;
foreach (var section in sectionCollection.Sections)
if (section.UntappdMenuItems == null)
section.UntappdMenuItems = new System.Collections.Generic.List<UntappdMenuJSON.UntappdMenuItem>();
if (menu.UntappdMenuSections == null)
menu.UntappdMenuSections = new System.Collections.Generic.List<UntappdMenuJSON.UntappdMenuSection>();
var itemCollection = _untappdMenuService.GetItemCollectionBySection(byteArray, section.Id.GetValueOrDefault()).Result;
foreach (var item in itemCollection.Items)
item.Containers = _untappdMenuService.GetItemContainersCollectionByItem(byteArray, item.Id.GetValueOrDefault()).Result;
if (location.UntappdMenus == null)
location.UntappdMenus = new System.Collections.Generic.List<UntappdMenuJSON.UntappdMenu>();