This repo has 3 parts to it:
- Interface of motors and cameras with PS5
- Algorithm for training
I recommend running the python files in the folder it is placed in. A lot of places have relative path references.
Python version: 3.11.7 or greater
Install the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
or if you use conda environment
conda install --file requirements.txt
Motor and camera are interfaced with the PS5. Everything is within the folder PS5 interface.
Run using
The serial port might have to be changed. This can be changed in the utils file (Mentioned below)
For individual camera interface with joystick, motor interface with joystick, use scripting beginning with 'camera_' and 'motor_' repsectively. Care must be taken that the correct Serial Port is set manually in these files so that the above python file runs.
The utils folder contains the main functions required to control the motor and Camera.
The prep_code folder contains the intial codes for each interface. You can check the joystick buttons numbering using The motor interface debugging code can also be found in the same folder.
Code related to this is in the folder gui_understanding. Within this folder, you will find the following codes in and Use for viewing with one camera (Webcam) and for 2 camera display (Webcam and OpenCV camera).
The prep_code folder within this folder contains intermediate codes to acheive the UI in decided format(refer PPT).
The Algorithm contains the model we could possibly use for the setup. More infomation on the dataset can be found in Algorithm/PCB-Component-1495/data.yaml.
It contains ~4k classes. The dataset is independent of the text written but it still reads these labels.
A few important comments on the approach in mind:
- The aim of using this dataset was to identify components because then we can directly compare location + type of component and segregate the error. Consider the following flow chart. If the answer to any of the above question is "No" then there is a mistake in the PCB.
- FRCNN is prefered over Yolo for the accuracy.Most likely, Yolo should also be able to give close results. Yolo is lighter and would be preferable in the long run
- The location matching need not be a pixel-wise match but rather an IoU match. A thresholding can be setup. This helps with 2 things.
- locating close components
- Orientation of the component. A difference in the orientation can be easily found with this.
- An overview on how IoU can be used and how close they have to be can be seen in image_analysis.ipynb
For code using ultra analytics, directly use the scipt in ultraanalytics_version.
Training Run
or incase of linux system
The code may have some inconsistencies.
Also check if CUDA is running on the Jetson.