Implements Pow's Pow.Backend.Store.Base
behaviour using a Postgres table.
First, add the dependency:
def deps do
{:pow_postgres_store, "~> 1.0"}
# or
{:pow_postgres_store, github: "ZennerIoT/pow_postgres_store}
$ mix pow.postgres.gen.schema lib/my_app/util/pow_store.ex
to generate the ecto schema as well as the necessary migrations.
Tell pow_postgres_store
where to find the ecto repository:
config :pow, Pow.Postgres.Store,
repo: MyApp.Repo
# schema: Pow.Postgres.Schema
# you can use a different name for the schema if you've modified the generated file
and tell pow
to use this library as the store:
config :my_app, Pow,
cache_store_backend: Pow.Postgres.Store
To automatically delete expired records from the database table, add this somewhere in your supervision tree:
children = [
{Pow.Postgres.Store.AutoDeleteExpired, [interval: :timer.hours(1)]},