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Paola Ferrario edited this page Jun 27, 2023 · 2 revisions

These are the generators currently implemented in NEXUS. All of them must have the region configuration parameter defined, which is passed to the geometry when the vertex is built, through the GenerateVertex() method. This method returns the actual point in space where the particle(s) will be simulated.


It is the primary generator of a Xe-136 double beta decay, interfacing the DECAY0 c++ code, translated from the original FORTRAN package, with nexus. It provides the primary vertex of a Xe-136 double beta decay. It is possible to use it reading a previously generated ascii file with the electron momenta.


It simulates a configurable number of ionization electrons to produce look-up tables.


It simulates an electron and a positron from the same vertex, with total kinetic energy settable by parameter within a range.


It is the primary generator for events consisting in the decay of a radioactive ion. The user must specify the atomic number, mass number and energy level of the isotope of interest, via configuration parameters.


It is the primary generator for the decay chain of the isomeric state krypton 83.


It simulates muons which can follow an angular distribution provided through an external file.


It generates Na22-like events consisting of two particles in coincidence (back-to-back) coming from e+e- annihilation and one disexcitation gamma.


It simulates a configurable number of optical photons with energy following the scintillation spectrum of the material where the vertex is produced.


It is the generator of events consisting of a single particle. The user must specify via configuration parameters the particle type, a kinetic energy interval and, optionally, a momentum direction. Particle energy is generated with flat random probability in a configurable range.