weighted straight skeleton implementation in java. video.
allows negative weights for offsetting in either direction. implementation of Felkel's algo with robustness - described here.
run the jar with
java -jar siteplan-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
there's a primative gui interface. use left mouse button to move points and control-click to add new points.
to build, requires my jutils to be installed (with 'mvn install'). then the command 'mvn package' should build a jar.
main UI class is org.twak.camp.debug.CampSkeleton.
This is a component of a research project - if you use it, please cite us:
@article{kelly2011interactive, title={Interactive architectural modeling with procedural extrusions}, author={Kelly, Tom and Wonka, Peter}, journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)}, volume={30}, number={2}, pages={14}, year={2011}, publisher={ACM} }