- Class: CS313.K11.KHCL
- Lecturer: Ms. Nguyễn Thị Anh Thư
- Nguyễn Ôn Ngọc Bảo - @ngbao161199
- Trần Việt Hùng - @bittervirgin
- Nguyễn Tấn Phát - @Mercersi
- Flask==1.0.2
- numpy==1.16.4
- matplotlib==3.0.3
- pandas==0.24.2
- scikit_learn==0.21.3
- PUC-Rio Data Set
- Website: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Wearable+Computing%3A+Classification+of+Body+Postures+and+Movements+%28PUC-Rio%29
- Clone this git project, cd to project directory. Use this command
python main-api.py
- Go to this link: or http://localhost:5000/
- Build Home landing Page (home.html)
- On home landing page have slide image
- On home landing page have chossing box for us to choose algorihm and Submit button
- With Submit button, we need it to redirrect to another page to show accuracy, MSE, cofusion_matrix,... of model in JSON format.
- Build About landing Page (about.html)
- Showing basic information about this project, lecturer and team member.
- Decorate this page
- Build Data Visualization landing Page (data.html)
- Showing process of our team when process and modify the data (Generated directly from Jupyter Notebook).
- Build Test Algorithm (Manual) Page (algo.html)
- A site for user input attribute manually and choose algorithms.
- With Submit button, the site will return class result predicted by algorihms.
- Build Test Algorithm (Multiple) Page (algo_with_file.html)
- Users given number of data will be used and choose algorithms.
- With Submit button, the site will return accuracy in JSON format after training by algorihms.
- Build Contact landing Page (contact.html)
- Create a form for anyone to fill to connect with our team member.