Wiki Table of Contents
- Install LAMP
- Create a user
- Open the Firewall for 80/tcp and 443/tcp
- Add SELinux Permissions
- Download Links (
- Set Home Directory Owner & Permissions
- Install perl CPAN
Root site or Sub folder site (pick one of these)
Root URL Site (
cp links_www/httpd.conf/links.conf.root /etc/httpd/conf.d/links.conf
Sub-folder Site (
cp links_www/httpd.conf/links.conf.subfolder /etc/httpd/conf.d/links.conf
edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/links.conf Replace *user* with your username
emacs /etc/httpd/conf.d/links.conf
Restart apache
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
Create MySQL DB and tables
mysqladmin -uroot -p create links
mysql -uroot -p links < links/links.sql
Create MySQL user Replace mysqlusername and mysqlpassword
mysql -uroot -p -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON links.* TO mysqlusername@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'mysqlpassword'"
Configure mySQL connection settings in links_www/configlinks.php
/* MySQL Variables */
$host = "localhost";
$username = "user";
$password = "password";
$database = "links";
Set Path and URL settings in links/
# Main Paths
our $path = "/home/*user*/links";
# My URL
# Ignore links from this domain or URL.
our $my_url = "";
Set Site Title and Name in links_www/configlinks.php
/* Site <title> */
$site_title = "Links";
/* Site Name (in the menu) */
$site_name = "Links";
Disable Password or Set Password
/* Enable Password Protected Site */
$passwordEnable = 1;
/* Password to Access the Site */
$TheSecretPasswd = "#password#";
Install the eggdrop bot, and script for retrieving links from the IRC log.
Setup Eggdrop Directory and create mirclogs directory for irc logs
mv /root/eggdrop /home/*user*
mkdir /home/*user*/eggdrop/mirclogs
mkdir /home/*user*/eggdrop/mirclogs/oldlogs
Copy Logger.tcl script to eggdrop scripts folder
cp links/Logger.tcl /home/*user*/eggdrop/scripts
Change the owner of the eggdrop directory to your user
sudo chown -R *user* /home/*user*/eggdrop
Configure eggdrop.conf (it is long, read the whole thing or it won't start)
emacs eggdrop.conf
Add logger script to eggdrop.conf Near the bottom where the other scripts are
source scripts/Logger.tcl
Run eggdrop as your new user
su - *user*
cd /home/*user/eggdrop
Go register your username and password with the bot in IRC.
/msg bot hello
Yum Pre-reqs
sudo yum install perl-libwww-perl
sudo yum install perl-MIME-Types
Configure variables in links/
# Set these
Add to crontab
*/1 * * * * *user* /home/*user*/links/
Your site should be picking up new links from IRC now!
This feature downloads, saves and creates a thumbnail using Image Magick for each image that is found. Saves 4chan images before they are 404'd!!!!!
Image Download Pre-reqs
sudo yum install Imagemagick-perl
sudo yum install file-devel # (for libmagic)
Use CPAN to install
sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install File::LibMagic
Create links_img folder
mkdir /home/*user*/links_img
mkdir /home/*user*/links_img/thumbs
mkdir /home/*user*/links_img/imgs
Create links_img tmp folder (for thumbnail creation)
mkdir /home/*user*/links_img/tmp
Set Permissions
sudo chown -R *user*:apache /home/*user*/links_img
sudo chmod -R 755 /home/*user*/links_img
Configure variables in links/
# Enable/Disable Image Download. (logs, twitter, and pocket)
our $img_download_enable = "1";
our $imgpath = "/home/*user*/links_img"; #Local
our $image_magick_tmp_path = "/home/*user*/links_img/tmp"; #Temp folder for thumbnail creation (up to 1.5G)
note: Very large animated GIFs can require a lot of temp space to create the thumbnail. A extremely large 40MB gif took 1.8G of temp space and 50 minutes to create the thumbnail.
Configure variables in links_www/configlinks.php
/* Enable Thumbs Page */
$thumbsEnable = 1;
/* Image Path (local) shouldn't need to mess with this */
$img_path = "../links_img";
Configure the BOT for telnet. (Don't use this unless the script is on the same box as the bot.)
The bot will announce in IRC a when a new link is found in a twitter @mention or pocket. The bot will also announce when a dupe link is posted in the irc channel.
Install Pre-reqs
sudo yum install perl-Net-Telnet
Un-comment the listen line and set the port number in eggdrop.conf.
listen 5555 all
Restart the eggdrop bot to apply the change.
Configure these settings in links/
# Enable/Disable Eggdrop Bot Chat. (logs, twitter, and pocket)
our $bot_enable = "1";
# Eggdrop Bot TELNET Login (use only if the bot is running locally)
our $botUsername = "user";
our $botPassword = "pass";
our $botHostname = "localhost";
our $botTcpPort = "5555";
Telnet to localhost and port of the bot
If you specified a particular IP to listen on in eggdrop.conf you will need to use that IP/Host (my-hostname or my-ip).
$ telnet localhost 5555
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
(Eggdrop v1.6.21 (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2011 Eggheads)
Please enter your nickname.
Make sure you have a local firewall installed and that this port is closed to the outside world.
If you would like to push to twitter or pull from twitter do these steps.
Twitter Pre-reqs
sudo yum install perl-Crypt-SSLeay
Install from CPAN
If Bitly fails on tinyurl.t just try it again a few times (
sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install WWW::Shorten::Bitly
sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Net::Twitter
Configure Twitter push (push all sites to twitter as new tweets)
Create a new twitter account for your site.
Create a twitter application under that account:
Callback URL can be left blank
Read and Write permissions
Create bitly api key
# Twitter Authentication (
our $twitter_account = ""; # No @ sign
our $consumer_key = "";
our $consumer_secret = "";
# Bitly URL Shortener (
our $bitly_account = "";
our $bitly_api_key = "";
Run the perl script manually first as your user to authorize with twitter as a client.
su - *user*
The script will output access token information that needs to be added to the config file.
Add the access tokens to links/
our $access_token = "";
our $access_token_secret = "";
/* Enable Link-up Page (twitter and pocket) */
$LinkupEnable = 1;
/* Twitter Username */
$twitter_account = "username"; # No @ sign
Push all new posts gathered from irc, twitter and pocket up to twitter as new tweets.
The ban_domin settings are to stop certain urls or domains from making it to twitter. For instance if your URL is the scripts will never grab a link from itself (*) already but if you want to stop all URLs from ever being tweeted you can put that in here so your URL remains private.
# Enable/Disable Posting To Twitter (logs, twitter, and pocket)
our $twitter_enable = "1";
# Keep these Domains or URLs a secret and DO NOT EVER tweet them to the public.
# blank them out for none, use one or both. (logs, twitter, and pocket)
our $ban_domain_twitter = "";
our $ban_domain_twitter2 = "";
Pull tweets in from anyone who @mentions your twitter account.
Set variables in links/
# Set this
add to /etc/cronttab
*/10 * * * * *user* /home/*user*/links/
To disable pulling from twitter just stop the crontab by commenting it out.
If you are adding a twitter account populated with tweets it will only retrieve the last 50 entries the first time.
Retrieve URLs from Pocket ( This app gives us a web extension and mobile app/share for quick posting.
sudo yum install perl-Net-SSLeay
sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Class::Accessor::Lite
cd /home/user
git clone git://
cd p5-WebService-Pocket-Lite
sudo perl Makefile.PL
make && make test
create pocket application, get "consumer" key
/* Enable Link-up Page (twitter and pocket) */
$LinkupEnable = 1;
/* Pocket API Key */
$pocket_consumer_key = "";
# Pocket API (
our $pocket_consumer_key = "";
Authorize a pocket account via the link-up page.
Add to crontab
*/2 * * * * *user* /home/*user*/links/
If you authorize a pocket account populated with URLs it will only retrieve the last 10 entries per user the first time.
Use Amazon S3 storage for primary or backup storage.
Install Pre-reqs
sudo yum install perl-XML-LibXML
Install CPAN
sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Net::Amazon::S3
Sign-up for aws account
Services->S3, create bucket, name bucket.
right-click the bucket and select properties
open permissions and select 'add bucket policy'
replace the "bucket" name and paste this policy to allow public read to your bucket
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
click the bucket name text in the console to go inside the bucket. create two folders in your bucket: imgs and thumbs create a new access key
grab "Access Key ID" from aws webpage
Set links/
our $aws_access_key_id = "";
click show secret access key and add to
our $aws_secret_access_key = "";
set bucknet name
our $aws_bucket = "";
### S3 Image Storage (logs, twitter, and pocket)
our $s3_enable = "1"; # Copy the files to S3 and delete the local files.
our $s3_delete_local_imgs = "0"; # Delete the local image and thumb after we upload to S3.
Post an image and see if it makes it to S3 through the console. right-click open should allow you to view it.
If you would like to save files in both places leave it like this. (redundancy!)
If you would like it to delete the images from the local system after they are sent to s3 set
our $s3_delete_local_imgs = "1"; # Delete the local image and thumb after we upload to S3.
To switch the webpage to point to users the S3 bucket (aws charges will apply) set
/* Enable S3 */
$s3Enable = 1;
$s3Bucket = "bucket_name";