[CVPRW] 2023 AI City Challenge: Multi-camera People Tracking With Mixture of Realistic and Synthetic Knowledge
The 2nd Place Submission to The 7th NVIDIA AI City Challenge (2023) Track 1: Multi-camera people tracking
conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 torchaudio==0.10.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
To begin, rename the file .env.list to .env.
Then, in the .env, update the following variables:
- DATASETS.ROOT_DIR: the path to the dataset directory
- PRETRAIN_ROOT: the path to the pretrain directory
Go to scripts/tracking.sh
and change the DATASET_DIR
path on line 2 to the correct path for your dataset.
python tools/extract_frame.py
├── assets/
├── configs/
├── datasets/
│ ├── detection/
│ │ └── Yolo/
│ ├── reid/
│ ├── pretrain/
│ ├── HRNet_W48_C_ssld_pretrained.pth
│ ├── -------
│ └── jx_vit_base_p16_224-80ecf9dd.pth
│ └── ROI/
├── output/
│ └── weight/
│ ├── HrNetW48/
│ └── HrNet_epoch_3.ckpt
│ ├── transformer/
│ └── transformer_epoch_4.ckpt
│ └── trans_local/
│ └── trans_local_epoch_3.ckpt
├── outputs/
├── -------
├── scripts/
├── src/
├── -------
└── tools/
Please download the reid train from the link above. Then put it under the path: AIC23_Track1_MTMC_Tracking/
├── test/
├── train/
├── validation/
├── person_reid/
│ ├── gallery/
│ ├── query/
│ └── train/
[Update new link] For fast inference, please visit this new link and download all trained models and datasets.
To save time on detection, please use the pre-detected dataset.
Extract feature for tracking
bash scripts/feature_extract_tracking.sh
bash scripts/tracking.sh
Extract feature for matching:
bash scripts/feature_extract_matching.sh
Note that only scene 001 requires extracting features again. For another scene, features generated from tracking are available in the folder src/SCMT/tmp
bash scripts/matching.sh
python src/submit.py
The result at outputs/track1.txt
python src/matching/tracklet_id_switch.py
Please follow the detection in the Detection folder.
bash scripts/reid_train.sh
After training, the weight will be stored in the lightning_logs/
folder. Navigate to this folder and copy the corresponding epoch weight of each model to the corresponding folder in output/weight
The following epoch should be used for each model:
- Transformer: Epoch 4
- Transformer-Local: Epoch 3
- HrNetW48: Epoch 3
If you have any questions, please leave an issue or contact us at [email protected].
We would like to thank the Box-Grained Reranking Matching for Multi-Camera Multi-Target Tracking repository for their outstanding tracking.