Example: .NET 5 Microservices using MassTransit. It is easy to use and migrate from RabbitMQ to AmazonSQS and SNS for each environments.
+ RabbitMQ
- Direct Queue(queue:consumer-consumers-order)
- Exchange Topic: notification
- Topic=email: will be received by EmailService
- Topic=push: will be received by Notification
+ Amazon SQS and SNS
- Direct Queue(queue:consumer-consumers-order)(Topic:Messages_Commands-Order),
create a queue and create a SNS Topic which link the queue
- Topic:Messages_Commands-INotification, Routing key: "push" and "email"
- Install .NET5
- Install Docker & Docker Compose
- RabbitMQ Server Dashboard(http://localhost:15672/)
- Producer: using the API sends messages
- Consumer: receive messages from Queue(consumer-consumers-order)
- Notification: receive messages with Exchange=notification and Topic=push
- EmailService: receive message with Exchange=notification and Topic=email
- Messages: create message model and Service Connection Config for RabbitMQ and AmazonSQS
- Start RabbitMQ Server
cd DemoMicroservices docker-compose up
- Create a user in IAM: add SQSFullAccess and SNSFullAccess
- Set and add Region, AccessKey and SecretKey into MessageBusSQS in appsettings.json
"ConnectionStrings": { "MessageBus": "amqp://admin:password@localhost:5671/", "MessageBusSQS": "[AccessKey]:[SecretKey]@[region]" }, "UsingAmazonSQS":"true"
Amazon Queue(Direct Queue:consumer-consumers-order)
Create topic SNS Endpoint: arn:aws:sqs:ap-southeast-1:783560535431:consumer-consumers-order
Monitor SQS
Start multi apps with Visual Studio
Run Producer: http://localhost:22270/swagger/index.html
Send a message to Queue(consumer-consumers-order), Run post Order API
Send a message to Email Service, run post Notification API
http://localhost:22270/Notification { "notificationId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "notificationType": "email", "notificationContent": "email body", "notificationAddress": "[email protected]", "notificationDate": "2021-12-06T04:31:16.654Z" }
Send a message to Notification, run post Notification API
http://localhost:22270/Notification { "notificationId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "notificationType": "push", "notificationContent": "body", "notificationAddress": "", "notificationDate": "2021-12-06T04:31:16.654Z" }