OpenAtlas is an open source, web based database system for complex archaeological, historical and prosopographical data. The information is mapped as a network using classes and properties of the CIDOC CRM.
Documentation: Manual, Wiki, Issues
Demo with data kindly provided by the MEDCON project.
Development demo with data kindly provided by the DPP project.
Please refer to for requirements and installation.
Stefan Eichert - Idea, Concept and Data Modelling ([email protected])
Alexander Watzinger - Lead Developer and Concept ([email protected])
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz - Software Development, API ([email protected])
Nina Richards - Bioarchaeological Expertise ([email protected])
Christoph Hoffmann - Frontend Development ([email protected])
Andreas Olschnögger - Frontend Development ([email protected]
Jan Belik - Logo Design and Design Consulting ([email protected])
All OpenAtlas code unless otherwise noted is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991. Please refer to the file COPYING in the root directory of this repository or the online version at
The OpenAtlas logo was designed by Jan Belik and is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.