Wordlist management tool
- Join multiple wordlists together, checking for duplication of words
- Any URLs in the wordlist can be broken into seperate words (inbetween the slashes) which are then added to the wordlist
- Sort outputted wordlist in ASCII order
- Remove file extensions
Usage: sortlist -s -f -e -d /myWordlistFolder -o /outputdir/outputfile
All options check for and duplicates in the wordlist
-h Show this help message
-d Directory where wordlists are stored
(Allowed extenstions: .txt & .wordlist & .list)
-o File to output as
-s Sorting in ASCII order (by first character of word)
-f Format lines that contains deeper than one directory
(Adds deeper directories to wordlist as well)
-e Remove file extensions
From the root of the extracted download, execute:
sudo chmod +x ./install.sh
sudo ./install.sh
From the root of the extracted download, execute:
g++ sortList.cpp input.cpp -o sortlist