End-to-end speech recognition using RNN-Transducer in Tensorflow 2.0
This speech recognition model is based off Google's Streaming End-to-end Speech Recognition For Mobile Devices research paper and is implemented in Python 3 using Tensorflow 2.0
The main script of the repository is the run_rnnt.py
script. Everything is run through there, you are just going to be specifying a variety of parameters.
Here is a list of all parameters:
python run_rnnt.py --help
USAGE: run_rnnt.py [flags]
--batch_size: Batch size.
(default: '64')
(an integer)
--checkpoint: Path of checkpoint to load (default to latest in 'model_dir')
--dataset_name: <common-voice>: Dataset to use.
--dataset_path: Dataset path.
--encoder_layers: Number of encoder layers.
(default: '8')
(an integer)
--encoder_size: Units per encoder layer.
(default: '2048')
(an integer)
--epochs: Number of training epochs.
(default: '20')
(an integer)
--eval_size: Eval size.
(default: '1000')
(an integer)
--input: Input file.
--joint_net_size: Joint network units.
(default: '640')
(an integer)
--keep_top: Maximum checkpoints to keep.
(default: '5')
(an integer)
--learning_rate: Training learning rate.
(default: '0.0001')
(a number)
--max_data: Max size of data.
(an integer)
--mode: <train|eval|transcribe-file>: Mode to run in.
--model_dir: Model output directory.
(default: './model')
--pred_net_layers: Number of prediction network layers.
(default: '2')
(an integer)
--shuffle_buffer_size: Shuffle buffer size.
(an integer)
--softmax_size: Units in softmax layer.
(default: '4096')
(an integer)
--steps_per_checkpoint: Number of steps between each checkpoint.
(default: '1000')
(an integer)
--steps_per_log: Number of steps between each log written.
(default: '100')
(an integer)
--tb_log_dir: Tensorboard log directory.
(default: './logs')
--tpu: GCP TPU to use.
NOTE: If you are not training using docker you must run the following commands + setup the loss function (instructions for this can be found in
To setup your environment, run the following commands:
git clone --recurse https://github.com/noahchalifour/rnnt-speech-recognition.git
cd rnnt-speech-recognition
pip install tensorflow==2.1.0 # or tensorflow-gpu==2.1.0 for GPU support
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once your environment is all set you are ready to start training your own models.
Currently we only support the Common Voice dataset. We plan on adding support for other datasets in the future.
To train a simple model, run the following command:
python run_rnnt.py \
--mode train \
--dataset_name common-voice \
--dataset_path <path to your dataset>
You can also train your model in a docker container based on the Tensorflow docker image. To do so, run the following commands:
NOTE: Specify all your paramters in ALL CAPS as environment variables when training in a docker container.
docker run -d --name rnnt-speech-recognition \
-e MODE=train \
-e DATASET_NAME=common-voice \
-e DATASET_PATH=<path to your dataset> \
To run evaluation, use the following command:
python run_rnnt.py \
--mode eval \
--dataset_name common-voice \
--dataset_path <path to your dataset>
To transcribe a WAV file, run the following command:
python run_rnnt.py \
--mode transcribe-file \
--input <path to wav file>
To run real-time transcription using your computer microphone, run the following command:
python run_rnnt.py \
--mode realtime
Noah Chalifour, [email protected]