A proof of concept application to connect arduino (sensor controls) to unity 3d.
Using this example code found at: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/179311/unity-to-arduino.html
Project aim: Send values from an Arduino board back to Unity3D - allowing for non-traditional ways to control applications (e.g. via ultra sound / peizo sensors).
The example below usese the serial port as a way of communication - however, bluetooth maybe used.
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); }
void loop() { int val = 2; //Sending value Serial.write(val); delay(1000); //Receiving value if (Serial.available() > 0) { // read the incoming byte: incomingByte = Serial.read(); // say what you got: Serial.print("I received: "); Serial.println(incomingByte, DEC); } }
Unity 3D:
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.IO.Ports; using System.Threading;
public class SerialPortTest : MonoBehaviour { //Setup parameters to connect to Arduino public static SerialPort sp = new SerialPort("COM4", 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); public static string strIn;
// Use this for initialization void Start () { OpenConnection(); }
void Update() { //Read incoming data strIn = sp.ReadLine(); print(strIn); //You can also send data like this //sp.Write("1"); }
//Function connecting to Arduino public void OpenConnection() { if (sp != null) { if (sp.IsOpen) { sp.Close(); message = "Closing port, because it was already open!"; } else { sp.Open(); // opens the connection sp.ReadTimeout = 50; // sets the timeout value before reporting error message = "Port Opened!"; } } else { if (sp.IsOpen) { print("Port is already open"); } else { print("Port == null"); } } }
void OnApplicationQuit() { sp.Close(); } }