Sniffing files generator.
Rocabella is an open-source tool that generates sniffing files.
It supports a variety of sniffing file formats, including:
- searchConnector-ms
- library-ms
- LNK shortcuts
- URL shortcuts
- SCF Shortcuts
Rocabella is written in Golang, a cross-platform language, enabling its use on both Windows and Linux systems.
, it does not work!
For command-line usage and examples, please refer to our Wiki.
If you find any bugs, don’t hesitate to report them. Your feedback is valuable in improving the quality of this project!
The author and contributors of this project are not liable for any illegal use of the tool. It is intended for educational purposes only. Users are responsible for ensuring lawful usage.
Special thanks to my brothers @S1ckB0y1337 and @MikeAngelowtt, who provided invaluable assistance during the beta testing phase of the tool.
Rocabella was created with ❤️ by @nickvourd.
You can use the precompiled binaries, or you can manually install Rocabella by following the next steps:
- Clone the repository by executing the following command:
git clone
- Once the repository is cloned, navigate into the Rocabella directory:
cd Rocabella
- Install the third-party dependencies:
go mod download
- Build Rocabella with the following command:
go build Rocabella
ℹ️ Please refer to the Rocabella Wiki for detailed usage instructions and examples of commands.
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Rocabella v1.4 - Sniffing files generator.
Rocabella is an open source tool licensed under MIT.
Written with <3 by @nickvourd.
Please visit https://github/nickvourd/Rocabella for more...
Rocabella [flags]
Rocabella [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
lib library-ms file
lnk lnk shortcut file
sc searchConnector-ms file
scf scf shortcut file
url url shortcut file
-h, --help help for Rocabella
-v, --version Show Rocabella current version
- Farming for Red Teams: Harvesting NetNTLM by MDSec
- The Latest in Software Functionality Abuse: URL Internet Shortcut Files Abused to Deliver Malware by Cofense
- SearchConnector-ms by Filesec
- Library-ms by Filesec
- LNK by Filesec
- URL by Filesec
- Search Connector Description Schema Microsoft
- Library Description Schema Microsoft