Tested with boot2docker on OSX and virtualbox with Centos
- boot2docker: http://boot2docker.io
- Centos: https://docs.docker.com/installation/centos/
- Docker Automated Build: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/nickvth/dockerfile-ansible/
With this docker image you can create a temporary container to run ansible(-playbook), after ansible is finished the container will be removed automatically.
- Pull
docker pull nickvth/dockerfile-ansible
- Build
cd /tmp/
git clone https://github.com/nickvth/dockerfile-ansible.git
cd dockerfile-ansible
docker build --force-rm=true --no-cache=true -t nickvth/dockerfile-ansible .
- Create dir for ansible playbook and inventory file
mkdir -p /mnt/ansible
- Create aliases on your linux based system and test ansible
alias ansible='docker run -it --rm=true -v /mnt/ansible:/mnt nickvth/dockerfile-ansible /usr/bin/ansible'
ansible --version
ansible --help
# Example
ansible -i hosts testansible -u root -m setup
alias ansible-playbook='docker run -it --rm=true -v /mnt/ansible:/mnt nickvth/dockerfile-ansible /usr/bin/ansible-playbook'
ansible-playbook --version
ansible-playbook --help
- ssh-agent needed for ssh password and mount playbook inside the container
docker run -it --rm=true -v /mnt/ansible:/mnt nickvth/dockerfile-ansible /bin/sh /ssh-agent.sh
[root@9d2cfb509f0e /]#ansible --version
Set your alias in .bash_profile, so when you login the alias will be available
- OSX: http://www.maclife.com/article/columns/terminal_101_creating_aliases_commands
- Centos: http://shapeshed.com/using_aliases_in_the_linux_shell/
- You can also make changes on the ansible.cfg and rebuild image if you want.