20231009 1022 General Release
Major change; Added Domoticz support.
Changed title from Pre-Release to General Release on Oct 22 2023, and corrected date in title.
- See the release notes in the Manual.
Normal builds. These must be flashed with the STLink-V1 / SWIM interface.
- NetworkModule-Browser.sx Flash with "Program/Address Range" range 8000 to FEBF.
- NetworkModule-MQTT-Home.sx Flash with "Program/Current tab" (defaults to range 8000 to FFFF).
- NetworkModule-MQTT-Domo.sx Flash with "Program/Address Range" range 8000 to FE7F.
Upgradeable builds. To use Upgradeable builds you must add an I2C EEPROM. See the Manual for instructions. Once installed future releases can be installed over Ethernet. ALWAYS install the new CodeUploader, then the Strings file, then the UPG code load, in that order.
- NetworkModule-CodeUploader.sx
- NetworkModule-Strings.sx
- NetworkModule-Browser-UPG.sx
- NetworkModule-MQTT-Home-UPG.sx
- NetworkModule-MQTT-Home-BME280-UPG.sx
- NetworkModule-MQTT-Domo-UPG.sx
- NetworkModule-MQTT-Domo-UPG-BME280.sx
Now that MQTT Domoticz is supported some naming conventions in Documentation and file names are being modified. The
former "MQTT" builds will now be called "MQTT-Home" since those builds always included Home Assistant support. The new
Domoticz builds will be called "MQTT-Domo".
Code changes:
- Addressed Issue #207 "Open the Wiki in a new tab"
- Addressed Issue #206 "A small amount of Flash can be saved by removing the debug column in Javascript"
- Addressed Issue #205 "BME280 build: When Altitude is entered in meters the IOControl display shows altitude 'meters entered -1'"
- Addressed Issue #201 "Output pin change batch REST commands /50 and /51 broken in 20230801 release"
- Addressed Issue #200 "HomeAssistant MQTT Breaking changes in 2023.8+"
- Addressed Issue #199 "Domoticz with MQTT, request for new feature"
Document changes:
- Moved the "Change Log" section close to the end of the document.
- Added a "Quick Start" section.
- Updated the Features table to include the Domoticz builds
- Updated the screenshots to include Domoticz Configuration and IOControl
- Added section "MQTT Domoticz"
- Addressed Issue #202 "Documentation: about 16 channel relay modules" by adding an additional solution to section "16 Channel Relay Modules".
- Updated the "Programming the Module" section to add information on reprogramming MQTT versions of the code