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Try hard to avoid FP "Date of baptism (17 Jun 1877) before date of bi… #1523

Try hard to avoid FP "Date of baptism (17 Jun 1877) before date of bi…

Try hard to avoid FP "Date of baptism (17 Jun 1877) before date of bi… #1523

Workflow file for this run

name: windows
- '*'
- '*'
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - name: Set up Perl
# run: |
# choco install strawberryperl
# echo "##[add-path]C:\strawberry\c\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\bin"
- name: perl -V
run: perl -V
- name: Install Dependencies
run: |

Check failure on line 25 in .github/workflows/windows.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/windows.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 25
cpan -iq File::Spec ExtUtils::MakeMaker App::cpanminus Locale::Country
# Force path to Gedcom or else it doesn't find it
cpanm --skip-satisfied -q -in P/PJ/PJCJ/Gedcom-1.22.tar.gz Moo~2.002004 Genealogy::Gedcom::Date Date::Parse Getopt::Std Geo::Coder::OSM Term::ANSIColor Lingua::EN::NameParse Lingua::EN::NameCase Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate Tie::Static DateTime::Format::Natural HTML::Entities B::Lint HTTP::Cache::Transparent Image::Info URI::Find::Schemeless LWP::Simple::WithCache LWP::UserAgent::Throttled HTML::GoogleMaps::V3 Sort::Key::DateTime String::ProgressBar Text::Names::GB IPC::System::Simple autodie Memoize Lingua::EN::ABC warnings::unused File::Copy Geo::Coder::GooglePlaces Geo::Coder::List Config::Auto Lingua::EN::Inflect Geo::Coder::CA DBD::SQLite Locale::Object::Country FCGI Log::Log4perl CGI::Carp CGI::Info CGI::Lingua FCGI::Buffer File::HomeDir Log::WarnDie Template::Plugin::EnvHash CHI HTML::SocialMedia Statistics::LineFit File::pfopen Statistics::Lite Geo::Coder::XYZ URI~1.73 Geo::StreetAddress::US Locale::US Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl Text::CSV::Slurp Gzip::Faster Geo::Coder::Postcodes List::Util File::Fetch~0.56 Geo::Coder::Free Geo::Coder::US::Census Geo::Coder::Ovi Geo::Coder::RandMcnally Geo::Parser::Text Log::Dispatch::File YAML::Any Mo Geo::Coder::Bing Geo::GeoNames POSIX HTML::TagCloud YAML::XS Text::xSV::Slurp DateTime::Format::Genealogy File::Print::Many GIS::Distance Geo::Coder::DataScienceToolkit Taint::Runtime Net::OAuth String::Compare IO::AIO XML::Dumper XML::Twig Class::Simple Geo::Coder::OpenCage Class::Simple::Cached Class::Simple::Readonly::Cached Unicode::Diacritic::Strip Date::Manip Roman Lingua::String Lingua::Conjunction Array::Iterator Array::Iterator::BiDirectional Data::Text Data::Serializer XML::Hash Database::Abstraction Lingua::FR::Numbers
cpanm -q -n F/FR/FRIFFIN/Geo-Coder-PlaceFinder-0.1.tar.gz
cpanm -fiq CGI::ACL
- name: Run Tests
run: |
perl -c -MO=Lint ./ged2site
perl -c -Mwarnings::unused ./ged2site
cd dynamic-site\\cgi-bin
perl -c -MO=Lint ./page.fcgi ''
perl -c -Mwarnings::unused ./page.fcgi ''
# rootdir=$(pwd)/../.. perl page.fcgi page=reports
# rootdir=$(pwd)/../.. perl page.fcgi page=surnames surname='Stock%20or%20(1,2\)=(select*from(select%20name_const(CHAR(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114\),1\),name_const(CHAR( <-- HERE 111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114\),1\)\)a\)%20--%20and%201%3D1'