Atari STE MiSTery core for the Tang Nano 20k FPGA
Compresses and decompresses files for use with Agon platform
Firmware for a Neo6502 Retrocomputer
A replacement for the classic TMS9918A/TMS9929A VDP, powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico
Firmware for the Original Prusa MINI, Original Prusa MK4, Original Prusa XL and Prusa CORE One 3D printers by Prusa Research.
AgonLight OSHW Retro Z80 computer - updated version with few updates
Official AGON QUARK Firmware: Projects
ez80 assembler, running natively on the Agon platform
A stand-alone, BASIC-programmable microcontroller and microcomputer in one! The fastest, cheapest, most hackable 8-bit computer ever.
ZX Spectrum soundcard for NEMOBUS/ZXBUS
Icons & Tools for Amiga WorkBench
Some of the Amiga sources i´ve written in the past millenium
A simple RISC CPU implemented in Verilog, as well as compilation toolchain for it.
A small 9-key mechanical gamepad to play Touhou project shoot-em-ups.
My collection of bitmap fonts pulled from various demoscene archives over the years
Project F brings FPGAs to life with exciting open-source designs you can build on.
Parts for the different versions of Z-Bolt print heads