Elixir | Official site
Docs |Official Elixir docs
Elixir Forum | Forum
Developing with Elixir | The new Pragmatic studio course, coming soon
LearnElixirTv | Commercial
LearnPhoenixTv | Commercial
Elixir Sips | Commercial
Take of with Elixir | Commercial
The Complete Elixir and Phoenix Bootcamp | Commercial
User Authentication with Coherence for the Phoenix Framework in Elixir
Per-user workers with custom queue processing using GenServer and Supervisor
- Scaffolding a Phoenix Project
- Pushing model changes to a phoenix channel
- Create a Phoenix Blog
- Internationalization of Elixir applications with gettext and transifex
- Writing a Blog Engine in Phoenix and Elixir | Part 2 - Authorization | Part 3 - Adding Roles to our Models | Part 4 - Adding Roles to our Controllers | Part 5- Adding ExMachina | Part 6 - Markdown Support | Part 7- Adding Comments Support | Part 8 - Finishing comments | Part 9 - Live Comments | Part 10 - Testing Channels | Part 11 - Better UI
- Making error handling a breeze with “WITH” macro in Elixir 1.2
- Background processing using Elixir, GenServer and the Erlang queue module
- KISS by Example: Authorization in Phoenix
- Nested preload on Ecto
- Nested associations and changeset errors in ecto
- Sharing methods between phoenix controllers
- 10 Killer Elixir tips | 2 | 3
- Building a web framework from scratch in Elixir | Learn about Plugs
- Solving a sudoku | Part 2 | Part 3
- State of the art in deploying Phoenix applications
- Writing API wrappers with Elixir
- Building a command line web scraper in Elixir
- Alias your phoenix mix commands
- Working keyword lists and maps
- Setting up a Phoenix application with webpack 2 and bootstrap 4
- Scrubbing GET Params With Phoenix
- Building a blog with Phoenix
- Dealing with Legacy databases
- Building A Simple Stream Media App With Elixir Phoenix Framework
- Titled URL Slugs in Phoenix
- Subdomains With Phoenix
- Passwordless Authentication in Phoenix
- Using Ecto.Multi To Group Database Operations
- Elixir/Phoenix — Build a simple chat room | With Coherence, Channels and Presence
- Elixir/Phoenix deployments using Distillery
- How to Capture All Errors Returned by a Function Call in Elixir
- Routing securely with Phoenix framework | Presentation
- Ecto Custom Types, a practical case with enumerize (Rails gem)
- Scraping a website with Elixir
- GenStage for continuous job processing
- Subscribe to messages with pattern matching
- Using Elixir's GenStage and Flow to build product recommendations
- How to use Elixir’s GenStage.Flow for image resizing
Functional web development with Elixir, OTP and Phoenix | Coming Soon
Programming Elixir 1.3 | The classic book from Dave Thomas
- Start Learning Elixir
- Awesome Elixir | A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir and Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things.