Write an interactive Java program that provides these 2 features:
1 - Checks if two texts are anagrams of each other.
2 - Out of all inputs to feature #1: provides all the anagrams for a given string. Inputs to feature #1 do not need to persisted across multiple runs of your program.
The mode of interactivity is not important. Choose what's easiest and quickest for you, a simple CLI interface is enough.
For feature #1:
Please follow the definition described in the english wikipedia page for anagram.
For feature #2:
Given these hypothetical invocations of the feature#1 function -> f1(A, B), f1(A, C), f1(A, D)
IF A, B and D are anagrams
f2(A) should return [B, D]
f2(B) should return [A, D]
f2(C) should return []
Feel free to use your favorite:
Language; the solution has to be either Java 8+ or Kotlin
code hosting; the solution must be publicly accessible
You can prioritize however you like (performance, readability, extensibility, ...).
P.S. Googling is a good thing :-)
The program provides a simple CLI, tha provides you with these choices:
1. Check if two strings are anagrams <br>
2. Return all anagrams, that you entered for a given subject <br>
3. Exit <br>
Option 1 lets you use feature #1 and Option 2 lets you use feature #2.
To execute the program, run:
mvn exec:java
To run tests, run:
mvn test