Design patterns are used to describe some of the best practises utilised by experienced object-oriented software engineers. In object-oriented systems, a design pattern methodically names, justifies, and describes a generic design that tackles a recurring design challenge. It explains the problem, the solution, when to use it, and the implications. It also includes advice and examples for implementation.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd DesignPatternExamples
C++ files
- build all .cpp files
- or use g++ <filename1.cpp> <filename2.cpp> ... -o output
- run ./output
Node files
Install dependencies
- npm install
Start the server
- npm run start
Golang files
- go run <filename.go> or go run *.go (for multiple files)
Examples are written using g++ 9.4.0 on Ubuntu20.04.1
You will require g++ 9 or c++ 11/14/17 to build files
** For Singleton pattern Example you will require c++ 14 or above versions
Software Design Patterns - geeksforgeeks
Software Design Patterns - language specific
C++, Java, Node js, Golang