This is a Rust Implementation of the Consize programming language. This Implementation contains a pre-processing step to improve the speed of Consize at runtime.
Install the Rust toolchain by executing the following command:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
After that, you can run the Consize Rust implementation by executing the following command inside the project directory:
cargo run -- <consize-code>
To try the different preprocessing steps, you can use the following flag:
cargo run -- -l <level> <consize-code>
To see the available levels, you can use the following command:
cargo run -- -h
If you do not want to install the rust toolchain, you can download the binary and use the following command to run the Consize Rust implementation:
path/to/consize-interpreter <consize-code>
Note that due to the CLI arguments, the consize code must be within double quotes if it contains spaces or the spaces must be escaped.