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This tool crawls an entire domain (or set of domains) to create a living snapshot of a website. A worker script is constantly crawling and re-crawing to provide the most up-to-date snapshot.

With this snapshot you are able to see problems that may arise from content entry or underlying code problems. For example, you can use this tool to identify problems like broken links, spelling errors, slow load times, or SEO issues.

A whole suite of tests are available out of the box, but you can also write your own custom tests to fit your own needs. Some examples: You could use natural language processing to make sure your language doesn't exceed a certain reading level. Or you could hook into the Google Analytics API to correlate search performance to load times. Or you could use Selenium to generate snapshots at different window sizes... really anything you can code.

See a live demo of SiteComber

Featured Tests

Built-In Tests Built into the core code is "PageUpTest," which will tell you if an internal page isn't returning a 200 status code, and "BrokenOutgoingLinkTest," which will tell you if a page contains broken outgoing links.

Article Content Test These tests provide tools for ensuring that articles are optimized for Reader View, no misspellings or placeholder text is found, and estimating article read time.

Heroku One-Click Deployment Quickstart

Pre-reqs for deploying this project to Heroku:


When configuring the fields, be sure to take note of the App Name, as you will be using this in the next steps.

Once deployed, you can configure the crawling settings by going here:

The default admin username is 'admin' and the default admin password is 'sitecomber'. MAKE SURE to update the password by going here:

Note that if you are parsing a large site, you will probably need to upgrade your database instance in the Heroku admin panel. The free database allows for up to 10000 rows. If you would like to stay on the free database but only crawl a subset of the URLs, you can adjust either the "Max page results" setting in the site configuration, which will cap the total number of pages crawled; or you can ignore entire directories using pattern matching in the "Ignore Results" section of the site configuration.

After your application has deployed and you have made any configuration settings, run the following commands through the command line Heroku CLI and follow the prompts:

> heroku ps:scale web=1 worker=1 --app=<replace-with-app-name>

NOTE: There is currently a memory leak in the worker, so instead of using the worker, set the Heroku Scheduler to run the following CRON every 10 minutes:

python crawl_site -1 100

Local Development Quickstart


  • Python 3
  • PIP
  • Virtualenv
  • Postgres (To use a different database backend, you can comment 'psycopg2' out in the requirements.txt)

Run the following commands in your terminal:

  git clone [email protected]:ninapavlich/sitecomber.git
  cd sitecomber

Copy the contents of env.example into a file called .env at the root of the project directory. Update the SECRET_KEY value with some other random string.'

Then run the following commands:

    virtualenv venv -p python3
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python migrate
    python loaddata sitecomber/apps/config/fixtures/example_data.json
    python changepassword admin
    # Follow interactive commands to reset admin password
    python runserver

With the local server running, you may browse the admin CMS at:


Log in with the credentials you provided when you ran the 'changepassword' command.

To bootstrap the frontend for development:

    cd frontend
    npm install
    npm run watch

You can see a local server running at:


SiteComber Worker

A background worker can run along side the web server to execute the crawling.

To run the worker locally, follow the "Local Development Quickstart" instructions above, and then run:


To adjust how fast the worker crawls, adjust the WORKER_LOOP_DELAY_SECONDS value in the .env

Development Tools

Manually re-run tests after a configuration change:

    # Re-run tests on site with primary key = 1
    python rerun_tests 1

Manually crawl a single page result:

    # Crawl page result with primary key = 1
    python crawl_page 1

Manually crawl a batch of URLs within a site:

    # Crawl 5 URLs on the Site with primary key = 1
    python crawl_site 1 5

Update Example Data Fixture

    python dumpdata auth.user config --natural-foreign --indent=4 > sitecomber/apps/config/fixtures/example_data.json

Create a Custom Test

  1. Create the Test

    from sitecomber.apps.shared.interfaces import BaseSiteTest

    class ExamplePageTest(BaseSiteTest):

        def on_sitemap_parsed(self, sitemap_item):
            sitemap_item is an instance of an AbstractIndexSitemap,
            for source
            print(u"Parsed sitemap %s"%(sitemap_item.url))

        def on_page_parsed(self, page):
            from sitecomber.apps.results.models import PageTestResult

            if page.latest_request and page.latest_request.response:

                status_code = page.latest_request.response.status_code
                status = PageTestResult.STATUS_SUCCESS if status_code == 200 else PageTestResult.STATUS_ERROR
                message = '%s status code: %s' % (page.url, status_code)

                r, created = PageTestResult.objects.get_or_create(
       = status_code
                r.message = message
                r.status = status
  1. Save Test File

Either place this in the sitecomber source code, in sitecomber/apps/tests/ or save this in an external repository and make it an installable application with PyPi.

See sitecomber-article-tests to see an example set of custom installable tests.

  1. Restart the Server

When the server restarts, it will re-register any classes that are subclasses of sitecomber.apps.shared.interfaces.BaseSiteTest

You can verify that your new test was found by running:

  python list_available_tests
  1. Add Test to Site

Go into the site admin at /admin/config/site/, select your site, scroll down to the "Site test settings" section and add a row for this new test.

  1. Re-run Tests

In order to re-apply the new tests to your existing site, run the following command, passing in the primary key of your site:

  # Re-run tests on site with primary key = 1
  python rerun_tests 1


Website crawling and testing platform






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