A stable MRIQC release, fixing the most prominent bugs and issues found. This is a transient version before 1.0.0 is released.
- [ENH] Improve group level command line, with more informative output when no IQMs are found for a modality (#372)
- [ENH] Make group reports self-contained (#333)
- [FIX] New mosaics, based on old ones (#361, #360, #334)
- [FIX] Require numpy>=1.12 to avoid casting problems (#356)
- [FIX] Add support for acq and rec tags of BIDS (#346)
- [DOC] Documentation updates (#350)
- [FIX] pybids compatibility "No scans were found" (#340, #347, #342)
- [ENH] Rewrite PYTHONPATH in docker/singularity images (#345)
- [ENH] Move metadata onto the bottom of the individual reports (#332)
- [ENH] Don't include MNI registration report unles --verbose-reports is used (#362)