Release Notes
A new minor release with improvements to anatomical to template spatial normalization.
Registration will now prioritize the same modality as the anatomical template, if available.
A new flag --norm-csf
performs CSF normalization on the anatomical template prior to template registration.
A new flag --multi-step-reg
adds an intermediate step when registering to MNI152NLin6Asym, first performing anatomical -> MNIInfant:cohort-X (age matched by default), and then concatenates the transform with an already computed MNIInfant -> MNI152NLin6Asym.
Both of the new flags above are disabled by default, but have shown promise and may become defaults in the next release. Please experiment with your data, and any feedback on the results would be greatly appreciated!
With thanks to @mattcieslak and @tsalo
- ENH: Output anatomical coregistration transform + report (#437)
- ENH: Minimize clipping prior to surface reconstruction with MCRIBS (#436)
- ENH: Output fsLR meshes on subject surfaces (#427)
- ENH: Add flag for multi-step registration to adult templates (#415) (#425) (#430) (#433)
- ENH: Option to normalize CSF prior to template registration (#419)
- ENH: Expand template registration to use either anatomical modality (#418)
Bug Fixes
Internals / Maintenance