A first beta release of NiTransforms with the purpose of integrating it within *fMRIPrep*. This release accompanies the `ISBI2020 preprint <https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/8aq7b>`__. * FIX: Accept double precision when reading ANTs' ``.mat`` affines (#102) * FIX: Remove the ``--inv`` flag from regression ``mri_vol2vol`` regression test (#78) * FIX: Improve handling of optional fields in LTA (#65) * FIX: LTA conversions (#36) * ENH: Add an ``.asaffine()`` member to ``TransformChain`` (#90) * ENH: Read (and apply) ITK/ANTs' composite HDF5 transforms (#79) * ENH: Improved testing of LTA handling - ITK-to-LTA, ``mri_concatenate_lta`` (#75) * ENH: Add FS transform regression (#74) * ENH: Add ITK-LTA conversion test (#66) * ENH: Support for transforms mappings (e.g., head-motion correction) (#59) * ENH: command line interface (#55) * ENH: Facilitate loading of displacements field transforms (#54) * ENH: First implementation of AFNI displacement fields (#50) * ENH: Base implementation of transforms chains (composition) (#43) * ENH: First implementation of loading and applying ITK displacements fields (#42) * ENH: Refactor of AFNI and FSL I/O with StringStructs (#39) * ENH: More comprehensive implementation of ITK affines I/O (#35) * ENH: Added some minimal test-cases to the Affine class (#33) * ENH: Rewrite load/save utilities for ITK's MatrixOffsetBased transforms in ``io`` (#31) * ENH: Rename ``resample()`` with ``apply()`` (#30) * ENH: Write tests pulling up the coverage of base submodule (#28) * ENH: Add tests and implementation for Displacements fields and refactor linear accordingly (#27) * ENH: Uber-refactor of code style, method names, etc. (#24) * ENH: Increase coverage of linear transforms code (#23) * ENH: FreeSurfer LTA file support (#17) * ENH: Use ``obliquity`` directly from nibabel (#18) * ENH: Setting up a battery of tests (#9) * ENH: Revise doctests and get them ready for more thorough testing. (#10) * DOC: Update sphinx to latest major (4.0) (#116) * DOC: Initial setup for sphinx-build (#114) * DOC: Add Jupyter notebooks (#93) * DOC: Add figure to JOSS draft / Add @smoia to author list (#61) * DOC: Initial JOSS draft (#47) * MAINT: Move from TravisCI to GHA (#112) * MAINT: Revise tests and Docker image dependencies (#104) * MAINT: Add imports of modules in ``__init__.py`` to workaround #91 (#92) * MAINT: Fix missing python3 binary on CircleCI build job step (#85) * MAINT: Use setuptools_scm to manage versioning (#83) * MAINT: Split binary test-data out from gh repo (#84) * MAINT: Add docker image/circle build (#80) * MAINT: Drop Python 3.5 (#77) * MAINT: Better config on setup.py (binary operator starting line) (#60) * MAINT: add docker build to travis matrix (#29) * MAINT: testing coverage (#16) * MAINT: pep8 complaints (#14) * MAINT: skip unfinished implementation tests (#15) * MAINT: pep8speaks (#13)