Tags: nitrocode/cloudsplaining
Feature/added filter by severity option (salesforce#295) * severity field on json output and option to filter results by severity * fix type in option filter severity * generate new example report * add new dependencies to setup * -f option on scan_policy_file and scan_multi_account and "critical" and "none" as options * remove added dependencies * removed js dependencies, fixed unit tests for new output format * revert package-lock and fix mypy issues * fix typo
Ability to return json results when used as python lib (salesforce#250) * Modified 'scan_account_authorization_details' in '/cloudsplaining/command/scan,oy' to return raw json results along with rendered_html report string. Also added a parameter 'return_json_results' to the function to make it backward compatible. Returning json along can be helpful in programatically analysing results and taking further actions when used as python library. * Update the typo in return type of scan_account_authorization * Update README.md Co-authored-by: Kinnaird McQuade <kmcquade@users.noreply.github.com>
AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE is respected; made formatting updates; made some … …path fixes that should help the windows issues (salesforce#239)
Fix handling of Deny NotAction statements (salesforce#220) Return empty list of effective actions instead of a None object when a statement uses NotActions with an effect of Deny
Future proof some unit tests that were failing (salesforce#227)