High quality audio radio in each room with smart things integration
To generate quality audio I decided to use in-wall 8" woofers, and a 35W amplifier. I found the IQaudio project that adds a DAC and amplifier to a raspberrypi. The raspberrypi connects to the home network via wireless or Ethernet. As this is a raspberrypi running linux this allows many features.
- Pulseaudio, so I can play music from my linux laptop to this raspberrypi over the home network.
- UPNP renderer using gmrender-resurrect, so you can play music from your smartphone to the room.
- Hear radio using internet streaming using MPD.
- Device security.
This bundle creates good sounding audio, but then comes the control issue. Basically I use MPD to play music on the raspberrypi, so I looked for a web interface to MPD. I found Rompr does this, so I can open a browser on my smart phone and control the music in each room.
Its great to have smartthings start music when I enter a room, and stops when I leave the room. So I wrote this device handler for smartthings.
I will add a deb file to install all the required packages needed to have this working on the custom raspberry pi distro.