Install tomcat7 (for example using apt-get install tomcat7
Create a tomcat admin user by adding the following to /etc/tomcat7/tomcat-users.xml
<role rolename="admin"/>
<role rolename="admin-gui"/>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<user username="admin" password="nimda" roles="admin,admin-gui,manager-gui"/>
Install java 8 runtime or newer on the VM and configure tomcat to use it (the OAuth2 server uses Java 8 features) by editing the JAVA_HOME
variable in /etc/default/tomcat7
Restart the tomcat service.
Build the OAuth2 server .war package by running mvn package
Use the webinterface at http://{ipaddress}:8080/manager/html/
with the admin user registered earlier to deploy the OAuth2.war
Follow the installation instructions of my mediawiki OAuth2Client extension fork:
Use the following configuration, replacing {ipaddress}
with the VM's ip address:
$wgOAuth2Client['client']['id'] = 'CLIENT_0'; // will be injected later
$wgOAuth2Client['client']['secret'] = 'SECRET_0'; // will be injected later
$wgOAuth2Client['configuration']['authorize_endpoint'] = 'http://{ipaddress}:8080/oauth2/auth';
$wgOAuth2Client['configuration']['access_token_endpoint'] = 'http://{ipaddress}:8080/oauth2/token';
$wgOAuth2Client['configuration']['api_endpoint'] = 'http://{ipaddress}:8080/oauth2/user';
$wgOAuth2Client['configuration']['redirect_uri'] = 'http://{ipaddress}/mediawiki/index.php/Special:OAuth2Client/callback';
$wgOAuth2Client['configuration']['username'] = 'username';
$wgOAuth2Client['configuration']['email'] = 'email';
The "OAuth2 login" button in the upper right corner of mediawiki should now be functional.