Spyder_cta is a program that automatically builds spyder trading strategies and backtest it based on the Wind data. Also you can modify it for your trading strategies.
Spyder_cta is developed with Python 3. You can use pip to install or upgrade packages below.
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install math
pip install os
pip install warnings
pip install datetime
pip install time
pip install matplotlib
Also you need to install Wind to get the quote and signal data from it and get WindPy ready to work.
将main.py,get_oir2.py, get_oir.py, asset_curve.py, indicator17.py存储在主路径下
You can initialize spyder_cta in main.py.
homePath = 'E:\\test2'
params = [5,10,20]
# 设置保证金比率
deposit = 0.15
# 设置佣金比率
commission = 0.000023
# 设置合约乘数
multiplier = 300
# 设置起始日期
updatebegin = 20100101
endDate = 20180408
# 设置合约品种
windSymbol = 'IF.CFE'
详细回测指标见:write_indicators.csv 交易记录见:total.csv
- 事件驱动 √
- Futures模式 √
- Stock模式 ×
- Forex模式 ×
- 多品种回测 √
- 多参数回测 √
- 多策略回测 x
- 设置手续费,保证金 ✓
- 打印交易日志 √
- plot画图模块 √
- 参数优化模块 ×
- WIND接口 √
- Tushare接口 ×
- 固定资产比 √
- 固定交易手数 ×
- 固定交易资金 ×
- 止盈止损 ×
- 保证金 √
- 仓位手数及方向 √
- 交易资金额 √
- 当日盈亏 √
- 手续费 √
- 当日换手 √
- 保证金占比 √
- 打印交易记录 √
- 年化收益 √
- 最大回撤 √
- 波动率 √
- 夏普比率 √
- 卡玛比率 √
- 日胜率 √
- 日盈亏比 √
- 最大回撤区间 √
- 总换手 √
- 日均持仓 √
- 日均换手 √
- 日均持仓 √
- 次均收益 √
- 结合Benchmark分析 ×