Product description, specifications (architecture and design), research into similar products, can all be found here:
YouTube Moments allows you to resurface memorable moments from your liked YouTube videos. If you love listening to long-form podcasts, interviews, and lectures, but forget where you heard that genius comment, YouTube Moments empowers your search. By digesting the transcripts of your liked videos, YouTube Moments enables you to search semantically by phrase, synonym, and broad category. No more vague keyword searches that only lead to click-baity titles and still 3 hours of video to scrub through. Find the exact moment you are looking for.
DISCLAIMER: This repository is missing essential back-end functionality of YouTube Moments that is currently housed in another private project. Please see the specifications document linked below to see architecture and design plans.
YouTube Moments Specifications
This back end for YouTube Moments is built using Python, Django, and Haystack for processing and enabling semantic search of transcripts.
The front end repo can be found here:
If you'd like to help build out YouTube Moments or have ideas for features, please let me know!