npm -g install @node-libraries/scaffold
Create a canned file based on a template.
Templates can also be placed on github.
Usage: scaffold [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
create [options] <name> Create component
-t, --templatePath <templatePath> TemplatePath or GitHub-Url(default:./templates)
-o, --outputPath <outputPath> OutputPath (default:./src/components)
Remote commands refer to the value of supabase/.env.remote
- The extension must be
extension to prevent automatic formatting by the editor. - The following strings will be replaced
-> ComponentName
-> ComponentPath
- templates/index.ts.template
export * from "./{{{NAME}}}";
- templates/{{{NAME}}}.module.scss.template
.root {
- templates/{{{NAME}}}.tsx.template
import React, { FC } from 'react';
import styled from './{{{NAME}}}.module.scss';
interface Props {}
* {{{NAME}}}
* @param {Props} { }
export const {{{NAME}}}: FC<Props> = ({}) => {
return <div className={styled.root}>Test</div>
- templates/{{{NAME}}}.stories.tsx.template
import { expect } from "@storybook/jest";
import { within } from "@storybook/testing-library";
import { ComponentMeta, ComponentStoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
import { {{{NAME}}} } from './{{{NAME}}}';
const meta: ComponentMeta<typeof {{{NAME}}}> = {
title: 'Components/{{{PATH}}}{{{NAME}}}',
component: {{{NAME}}},
parameters: {
// nextRouter: { asPath: '/' },
args: {},
export default meta;
export const Primary: ComponentStoryObj<typeof {{{NAME}}}> = {
args: {},
play: async ({ canvasElement }) => {
const canvas = within(canvasElement);
- templates -> src/components/Sample01
scaffold create Sample01
- templates -> src/components/Samples/Sample01
scaffold create Samples/Sample01
- template -> src/component/Samples/Sample01
scaffold create -t template -o src/component Samples/Sample01
- GitHub -> src/component/Samples/Sample01
scaffold create -t -o src/component Samples/Sample01