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Using N|Solid, the Enterprise Node Platform from NodeSource with Kubernetes


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N|Solid, Docker, and Kubernetes

N|Solid Kubernetes Guide

This repository is an open-source guide for building and deploying a Next.js 15 project using N|Solid Docker images. N|Solid is an enterprise fork of Node.js with integrated monitoring that connects to the N|Solid Console. Although you can run N|Solid independently, the full benefits are unlocked when it is connected to the console.

The guide covers:

  • Building Docker images (Alpine and Debian)
  • CI/CD pipelines using GitHub Actions
  • A sample Next.js “Hello World” application
  • Basic Kubernetes configuration for deployment
  • Configuring environment variables and secrets

Repository Structure

  • docker/
    Contains Dockerfiles for building the images:
    • Dockerfile.alpine – Builds the Alpine-based image.
    • Dockerfile.debian – Builds the Debian-based image.
  • k8s/
    Contains Kubernetes manifests used for deployment:
    • Deployment, Service, Ingress, Secrets, ConfigMaps, and Persistent Volumes examples.
  • sample-app/
    A sample Next.js application (Hello World) to demonstrate deployment.
  • .github/workflows/
    Contains CI/CD pipeline files:
    • alpine-build-amd.yml – Builds the Alpine image for AMD64.
    • alpine-build-arm.yml – Builds the Alpine image for ARM64.
    • debian-build-amd.yml – Builds the Debian image for AMD64.
    • debian-build-arm.yml – Builds the Debian image for ARM64.

Building the Docker Images

GitHub Actions Pipelines

Separate GitHub Actions workflows are provided to build images for different platforms:

  • For Alpine-based images:
    Use alpine-build-amd.yml for AMD64 and alpine-build-arm.yml for ARM64.

  • For Debian-based images:
    Use debian-build-amd.yml for AMD64 and debian-build-arm.yml for ARM64.

Each workflow uses the appropriate Dockerfile (located in the docker/ folder) and builds the image for the specified architecture.

Local Build

To build locally, navigate to the repository root and run:

For Debian:

docker build -t sample-app:debian -f docker/Dockerfile.debian .

For Alpine:

docker build -t sample-app:alpine -f docker/Dockerfile.alpine .

Deploying on Kubernetes

The k8s/ folder contains basic configuration files to deploy the application. These include:

  • Deployment YAML: Defines the N|Solid deployment with environment variables and secrets.
  • Service YAML: Exposes the deployment internally in the cluster.
  • Ingress YAML: Provides external access to the service.
  • Secrets & ConfigMaps: Manage sensitive values (like nsolid_saas) and application settings.

Example Deployment

Below is a sample Kubernetes Deployment manifest that sets up N|Solid. It configures two environment variables: NSOLID_APPNAME for the application name, and NSOLID_SAAS, which is injected from a secret called nsolid-saas-secret.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nsolid-deployment
    app: nsolid
  replicas: 2
      app: nsolid
        app: nsolid
        runAsNonRoot: true
        - name: nsolid
          image: yourrepo/nsolid:latest
            - containerPort: 3000
            - name: NSOLID_APPNAME
              value: "Sample App"
            - name: NSOLID_TAGS
              value: "production,nextjs,nsolid-hydrogen"
            - name: NSOLID_SAAS
                  name: nsolid-saas-secret
                  key: nsolid_saas
              cpu: "100m"
              memory: "128Mi"
              cpu: "500m"
              memory: "512Mi"
              path: /health
              port: 3000
            initialDelaySeconds: 30
            periodSeconds: 10
              path: /health
              port: 3000
            initialDelaySeconds: 10
            periodSeconds: 5
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30

Creating the Secret

Before deploying, create the secret that holds the nsolid_saas value. Replace <base64-encoded-secret> with your base64-encoded value.

kubectl create secret generic nsolid-saas-secret --from-literal=nsolid_saas=<your-secret-value>

How to Deploy

  1. Build your Docker image (either via GitHub Actions or locally).
  2. Push the image to your container registry if deploying to a cloud cluster.
  3. Apply the Kubernetes manifests from the k8s/ folder:
    kubectl apply -f k8s/
  4. Monitor the deployment and check the pods:
    kubectl get pods --namespace=default

Monitoring with N|Solid Console SaaS

N|Solid provides integrated monitoring. You can create a free account on the N|Solid Console SaaS to monitor your processes:

Sign up for a free N|Solid Console account

About N|Solid

N|Solid is an enterprise version of Node.js with integrated monitoring and enhanced security. It connects to the N|Solid Console to provide real-time insights, process management, and more. Although it can be used as a standalone runtime, its full potential is realized when connected to the console. For more details, visit


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