RED - Robot Editor v0.4.1
10549 commits
to master
since this release
RED - Robot Editor v0.4.1
RED Robot Editor is Eclipse based editor for RobotFramework test cases.
Release contains Eclipse feature of RED Robot Editor to be installed into Eclipse.
Oracle Java 1.7+
Eclipse Luna (v 4.4) or Mars (v 4.5)
Python & RobotFramework
How to install
Please refer to First Steps doc under
In short:
- GUI: Help -> Install New software -> Add -> Archive and continue with prompts
- CLI: by issuing command:
eclipse -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -nosplash -consoleLog --launcher.suppressErrors -repository jar:file:<PATH_TO_ZIP>\!/,, -installIU -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.7
- issue #1 - fixed non ascii characters in Document section cause Debug to fail
- Resource multilevel inheritance handling
- Fixed empty sections in resources caused validation NPE
What's in the package
- Robot Perspective & Robot nature (Project,files and other file artefacts)
- Text Source editor with syntax coloring
- Table editors (non persistent for trial usage)
- Debug Perspective for test case debuging with breakpoints, stepping, variable watch
- Support for dictionaries & lists
- Code assistance
- Eclipse help
- File support: .robot
Known issues
- Table editors edits are not persistent, changes done in Table editors will not be visible in source nor saved to file. Sync is done from Source -> Table only.
- Editor actions (validation,lookup etc.) for data driven,embedded keywords and Gherkin (given-when-than) are not yet supported thus validation will show errors
- Library auto-discovery is not yet supported thus user needs to add any external library to red.xml by themselves, if not then validation will show unknown library error. Either you add it in red.xml or invoke option Quick Fix on item in Source editor or in Problems view.
- Due to difficult to comprehend and countless exceptions in RF syntax, validation can show false positive errors. In such case please provide us sample test case for us to have a look at.
- Handling of FOR block is disabled thus validation does not work ,also Outline will treat FOR block as keyword for every line of FOR block.
- Library aliasing is not yet supported ,library keyword call by by library prefix name is not supported yet (validation)
Short term plans
- TSV file support
- library aliases & support for full path keyword notation ( lib.keyword , resource.keyword )
We would appreciate any feedback about RED - Robot Editor, especially in every day functions like editors usability, false positive validation errors, problem with source parsing& coloring, performance etc. We are open for improvements and new functionalities. Fell free to create issue in GitHub issue tracker.