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This repository contains the code used to run simulations and analyse results for Nordam & Duran (2020). The simulation code is implemented in Fortran, using three external libraries (netCDF, hdf5 and bspline-fortran). The analysis and plotting of results is done in jupyter notebooks.

Structure of the repo


This directory is where you build your simulation code. It initially contains only a .gitignore file ignoring everything but itself, ensuring that files in this folder do not clutter the git status.


This directory contain the ocean current datasets used to run the simulations, as well as the initial positions used for the 10000 particles. For reference, it also contains a map showing the extent of the datasets. See also data/


This directory contains jupyter notebooks that are used to analyse and plot the results of running the simulations.


This directory is where the simulation results will be stared. It initially contains only a .gitignore file ignoring everything but itself, ensuring that files in this folder do not clutter the git status.


This directory contains a tiny shell script which will run all six executables in parallel (and stop them all if the script is interrupted with ctrl-c).


This directory contains the fortran source code to run the simulations:

  • currentdata.f90 uses the netCDF library to read current data from the .nc files in the data folder.
  • experiment.f90 contains some convenience functions to run a series of simulations.
  • input.f90 contains functions to read initial particle positions from the .txt files in the data folder.
  • integrator.f90 contains implementations of the integrators described in Nordam & Duran (2020).
  • interpolator.f90 defines a derived type used to conveniently hold interpolator objects from the bspline-fortran library.
  • output.f90 contains functions to create and write hdf5 files with the particle positions after transport.
  • parameters.f90 defines some parameters. Edit this file to changes paths, and expand range of timesteps or tolerances.
  • run_*.f90 are three almost identical files, one for each dataset, to run a set of simulations.
  • run_*_ref.f90 are three almost identical files, one for each dataset, to obtain reference solutions.

Build instructions for fortran code

  • Download and build the bspline-fortran library from
  • Make sure you have
    • cmake version 3.5 or higher
    • hdf5, with fortran interface
    • netcdf, with fortran interface
    • a recent version of gfortran
  • Go into the build directory (or create your own, somewhere)
  • We use cmake to configure the build, and we need to pass information about the location of the different libraries. The following works for me on xubuntu 18.04 with netcdf installed from apt-get. Adjust the paths to fit your system.
    • bspline_path should be the folder where bspline_module.o and bspline_module.mod etc. are found. This depends on where you built bspline-fortran.
    • netcdf_libs should be the folder where and found. On my system, running xubuntu 18.04 with libnetcdf-dev and libnetcdff-dev installed from apt-get, these files are found in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu.
    • netcdf_include should be the folder where netcdf.h and netcdf.mod etc. are found. On my system, running xubuntu 18.04 with libnetcdf-dev and libnetcdff-dev installed from apt-get, these files are found in /usr/include.
  • Then running make should build the project. If that doesn't work, try running make VERBOSE=1, copy the last command, where the error occured, and see if all the paths are correct.
  • Running make will build six executables, two for each of the three different resolution datasets. Running, e.g., run_norkyst will run simulations with the NorKyst800m dataset as input, scanning through the 8 different timesteps and 11 different tolerances investigated in the paper. Running run_norkyst_ref will run simulations with a selection of shorter timesteps and stricter tolerances, in order to obtain reference solutions (see Appendix A in Nordam & Duran (2020) for details).
  • Note that running the full set of timesteps and tolerances used in Nordam & Duran (2020) takes a good while (20-30 hours on a 3.3 GHz Intel Xeon CPU). Therefore, the default here is to run a reduced set of simulations. Edit src/parameters.f90 to expand the range of timesteps and tolerances. The simulations all run on a single core and don't require very much memory, so some trivial parallelisation can be achieved by running all six at the same time. See the convenince script scripts/
  • Note also that the executables expect to find input data in ../data/, and expect to be able to write their output to ../results/. If you want a different setup, adjust paths and edit the code in src/parameters.f90 as required.

Instructions for using the jupyter notebooks

  • First, build the fortran code and run the simulations.
  • Then, stepping through the cells in order should reproduce Figures 5, B1 and B2 from Nordam & Duran (2020), except with a somewhat smaller number of datapoints as mentioned above.


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