A simple Weather App for current user's device location. Made with Flutter.
Shows a simple project structure boilerplate from simple to large scale projects. This serves as an example for the Toronto Flutter Meetup Group presentation on September 5th 2018 by Luis Pulido. Subject: "Flutter done right ?".
- BLoC Pattern.
- Simple Service Locator with get_it
- App Configuration (Enviroment setup like Production, Development, Staging, Tests, etc).
- Unit Tests with mocked services using Mockito.
- Widget Tests.
- Integration Tests (Automated UI Tests or Driver Tests).
- Consuming a REST API.
- CachedNetworkImage.
- Json Serialization.
- Exception Handling.
- Localization (Internationalization).
- Geolocation.
- Continuous Integration and Delivery (Travis, CirrusCI, CircleCI, Pipelines).
- Code Coverage Report (Coveralls)
The Meetup Presentation can be found here.