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DWM Configuration Keybindings

This document details all the keybindings configured for DWM (Dynamic Window Manager).

General Keybindings

Key Combination Action
MODKEY + p Launch dmenu_run
MODKEY + Shift + Return Launch st (simple terminal)
MODKEY + Shift + b Toggle status bar
MODKEY + Shift + c Kill the focused window
MODKEY + Tab Switch to the previously selected workspace
MODKEY + Shift + q Quit dwm
MODKEY + Shift + r Restart dwm

Scratchpad Keybindings

Key Combination Action
MODKEY + s Toggle scratchpad terminal
MODKEY + r Toggle scratchpad file manager (ranger)
MODKEY + b Toggle scratchpad bitwarden
MODKEY + a Toggle scratchpad pulsemixer
MODKEY + h Toggle scratchpad btop
MODKEY + n Toggle scratchpad nmtui
MODKEY + m Toggle scratchpad ncmpcpp
MODKEY + c Toggle scratchpad whatsapp-chrome
MODKEY + y Toggle scratchpad ytfzf

Window Management Keybindings

Key Combination Action
MODKEY + Right Focus next window
MODKEY + Left Focus previous window
MODKEY + Shift + Up Increase number of master windows
MODKEY + Shift + Down Decrease number of master windows
MODKEY + Up Decrease master area size
MODKEY + Down Increase master area size
MODKEY + Return Move focused window to master area
MODKEY + Space Toggle between tiling and floating layouts
MODKEY + Shift + Space Toggle floating state of focused window
MODKEY + 0 View all windows
MODKEY + Shift + 0 Move focused window to all workspaces
MODKEY + , Focus previous monitor
MODKEY + . Focus next monitor
MODKEY + Shift + , Move focused window to previous monitor
MODKEY + Shift + . Move focused window to next monitor

Tagging Keybindings

Key Combination Action
MODKEY + 1-5 View tag (workspace) 1-5
MODKEY + Control + 1-5 Toggle view tag 1-5
MODKEY + Shift + 1-5 Move focused window to tag 1-5
MODKEY + Control + Shift + 1-5 Toggle focused window on tag 1-5

Layout Keybindings

Key Combination Action
MODKEY + F1 Set layout to tile
MODKEY + F2 Set layout to centered floating master
MODKEY + F3 Set layout to centered master
MODKEY + F4 Set layout to monocle
MODKEY + F5 Set layout to spiral
MODKEY + F6 Set layout to dwindle
MODKEY + F7 Set layout to deck
MODKEY + F8 Set layout to bstack
MODKEY + F9 Set layout to bstack horizontal
MODKEY + F10 Set layout to grid
MODKEY + F11 Set layout to nrowgrid
MODKEY + F12 Set layout to horizgrid
MODKEY + Shift + F1 Set layout to gapless grid
MODKEY + Shift + F2 Set layout to floating

Gaps Management Keybindings

Key Combination Action
MODKEY + Shift + h Increase window size factor
MODKEY + Shift + l Decrease window size factor
MODKEY + Shift + o Reset window size factor
MODKEY + Mod1 + u Increase all gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + Shift + u Decrease all gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + i Increase inner gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + Shift + i Decrease inner gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + o Increase outer gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + Shift + o Decrease outer gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + 6 Increase horizontal inner gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + Shift + 6 Decrease horizontal inner gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + 7 Increase vertical inner gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + Shift + 7 Decrease vertical inner gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + 8 Increase horizontal outer gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + Shift + 8 Decrease horizontal outer gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + 9 Increase vertical outer gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + Shift + 9 Decrease vertical outer gaps
MODKEY + Mod1 + 0 Toggle gaps on/off
MODKEY + Mod1 + Shift + 0 Reset gaps to default

Custom Keybindings

Key Combination Action
Control + Mod1 + l Lock screen (slock personalizado)
Caps_Lock Play sound for Caps Lock
Num_Lock Play sound for Num Lock
Scroll_Lock Play sound for Scroll Lock
MODKEY + k Change keyboard layout

Media Keybindings

Volume Control

Key Combination Action
XF86AudioLowerVolume Decrease volume
XF86AudioRaiseVolume Increase volume
XF86AudioMute Mute volume
Control + XF86AudioRaiseVolume Increase microphone volume
Control + XF86AudioLowerVolume Decrease microphone volume
Control + XF86AudioMute Mute microphone

Music Player Control

Key Combination Action
XF86AudioPlay Play/Pause music
XF86AudioStop Stop music
XF86AudioPrev Previous track
XF86AudioNext Next track


Key Combination Action
XF86HomePage Open homepage
XF86Mail Open mail program
XF86Search Open search program
XF86Calculator Open calculator

Print Screen

Key Combination Action
MODKEY + Shift + s Take a screenshot and edit
Print Take a screenshot and copy to clipboard

Screen Brightness

Key Combination Action
XF86MonBrightnessUp Increase screen brightness
XF86MonBrightnessDown Decrease screen brightness

Dmenu Keybindings

Key Combination Action
MODKEY + Shift + e Open system exit menu
Control + Mod1 + p Open password manager menu
MODKEY + Shift + p Open pomodoro timer menu
MODKEY + Shift + w Open monitor control menu
MODKEY + Shift + a Open sound control menu
MODKEY + Shift + y Open YouTube menu
MODKEY + d Open custom rofi menu

Application Launchers

Key Combination Action
MODKEY + w Launch Google Chrome
MODKEY + e Launch VSCode
MODKEY + q Launch Emacs
MODKEY + f Launch Thunar file manager
MODKEY + i Launch Flameshot
MODKEY + z Launch Zotero

Workspace Management

Key Combination Action
MODKEY + o Move window to scratchpad

This file provides a comprehensive list of all the keybindings configured in your dwm setup. These keybindings offer efficient navigation, window management, workspace management, and quick access to frequently used applications and functions.


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