This repository consists of a modern technical stack for a frontend tier. A combination of the technologies presented here addresses your need in a reliable scalable isomorphic application based on Javascript. Server-side part is hosted on Express, SPA part is bundled with Webpack.
This project is a fork of WellyShen's React Cool Starter. Main ideas behind the separation are: simplification, migration for another solutions, and preparation for real-life CI/CD.
- React Router v4
- Redux
- React Hot Loader v3
- redux-thunk
- react-router-redux v5 (alpha)
- react-helmet
- webpack-isomorphic-tools
- Webpack Dev Middleware
- Webpack Hot Middleware
- morgan
- support of Redux Devtools Extension
- Express v4
- Webpack v2
- Babel v6
- nodemon
- axios
- Flow
- ESLint
- StyleLint
- CSS and SASS support with PostCSS
- CSS modules
- Jest with enzyme
- support of Yarn
1. Clone the repository
2. Install all the dependencies
yarn install
npm i
3. Start the app in production mode
npm run start
It will trigger building the bundle and running a server.
Server with hot reloading:
npm run build && npm run start:dev
Development in offline mode:
USE_MOCKS=true npm run start:dev
If you prefer working with mocks only, set it in config/default.js
Run tests check:
npm test
Please see package.json
for other npm sripts useful in development.
βββ build # Webpack bundled files will be placed into it
β βββ public # The Express server static path
β βββ favicon.ico # Favicon is placed in the same path with the main HTML page
βββ src # App source code
β βββ config # App configuration settings, used with `config` npm package
β βββ components # Reusable components (including scss/testing files)
β βββ containers # Container components (including assets/action/reducer/scss/testing files)
β βββ utils # App-wide utils
β βββ redux # Redux related setups
β β βββ reducers.js # The root reducer (registry and injection)
β β βββ store.js # Configure and instrument Redux store
β βββ theme # App-wide style and vendor CSS framework
β βββ types # Flow types for actions, reducers and more
β βββ client.js # App bootstrap and rendering (webpack entry)
β βββ routes.js # Routes configuration for both client and server side
β βββ server.js # Express server (with webpack dev/hot middlewares)
βββ tools # Project related configurations (testing/build etc.)
β βββ flow # Flow types, interface, module aliasing definitions
β βββ openBrowser # Utility for opening Google Chrome
β βββ jest # Jest CSS modules and assets mocks settings
β βββ webpack # Webpack configuration settings
β β βββ config.js # Configuration for CSS modules, vendor registering
β β βββ webpack.client.babel.js # Webpack configuration for client
β β βββ webpack.server.babel.js # Webpack configuration for server
β β βββ WIT.config.js # Webpack Isomorphic Tools configuration file
βββ index.js # App entry point
Concerning to the security and performance for Express in production, WellyShen already setup some middlewares for you:
- helmet - Helps secure Express server with various HTTP headers.
- hpp - Express middleware to protect against HTTP Parameter Pollution attacks.
- compression - Gzip compression support for speeding up Express server responses.
Note: It's just a basic protected mechanism for your app, you can see the security best practices for more advanced configuration.