This is a development tool written to aid the creation of a custom trigger pack combining a custom trigger file plus the game's one. The tool merges these files together and generates additional triggers off both files to make one super trigger file.
To use paste the contents of the game's triggers on the left side and the custom trigger file on the right and press the generate button. This will run the process through creating a combined output that you can then update your trigger file with. I left file handling out of this program for simplicity for now. Options tab customises the generation process. The tools proves utilities for aiding development.
This program has been written for development purposes only and so is not designed with stability in mind. I have decided to release the tool though to allow others to make use of it in trigger development. Just before aware that the program may fall over for situations like the XML being incomplete or formatted wrongly. When the files are structured and provided correctly the program should work.
For people interested on the code side of things I will confess I don't really know C# coming from a Java background so the code is likely to be far less elegant than it could be and it is possible I am misusing things. I mainly concentrated on getting something together that would do the job that I wanted.