👋 Hello! I'm Nour Ezzehi, currently pursuing a degree in Networks and System Engineering at INSAT.
I am a passionate software developer, with a huge interest in coding, currently studying to become a full stack developer. I love to join different communities to help society.
Here are some of the tools and technologies I frequently use in my projects:
IDEs/Editors: Visual Studio Code
Version Control: Git, GitHub
- Django
- React
- React Native
- Node.js
- Figma
🔭 I’m currently working on a hopepulse
🌱 I’m currently learning [Django, React Native, React, MongoDB]
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on [Web Applications]
⚡ Fun fact: When I'm not always immersed in the world of coding and technology, you might find me engaging in a thrilling game of chess, kicking a football around, or embarking on exciting adventures. Whether it's strategizing on the chessboard, scoring goals on the field, or seeking new adventures, I believe in finding joy in diverse experiences beyond the realm of software engineering.