40 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- fix(nxls): provide autocomplete only for plugins that contain nx by @MaxKless in #2365
- fix(intellij): use refresh service directly and avoid going through actionPerformed by @MaxKless in #2366
- chore(repo): upgrade agent setup steps version by @rarmatei in #2367
- feat(nxls): add namedInputs target links & fix namedInputs completion in nx.json by @MaxKless in #2368
- feat(vscode): add atomizer codelenses by @MaxKless in #2370
- fix(vscode): subscribe to project graph updates in atomizer codelens provider by @MaxKless in #2372
- fix(vscode): handle non-atomized file paths gracefully by @MaxKless in #2373
- feat(vscode): show project graph error message in projects view by @MaxKless in #2371
Full Changelog: vscode-v18.33.2...vscode-v18.34.0