Create serverless applications with Lambda
This module has sub-modules to make integration with other AWS services easier.
This module allows you to trigger your Lambda with SQS queues.
- API Gateway v2
This module allows you to trigger your Lambda with API Gateway v2
This module uses lambda aliases. Remember to use the function_qualifier instead of using the function_name to reference the lambda!
module "lambda" {
source = ""
name = "get-users"
artifact_type = "s3"
artifact = data.vy_artifact_info.this
runtime = "python3.11"
handler = "handler.main"
memory = 256
These examples show you how to use this module in different configurations.
This example shows a Lambda that is triggered by an SQS queue.
- Provisioned Concurrency
An example with autoscaling provisioned concurrency.
- Datadog
An example with Datadog integration.