Source for Azure Automation Account Runbooks to control dev VMs from Slack
Relies on VM tags: one of them uses nested JSON with tag/value as below : int_automate : {"int_auto_weekday":"schedule","int_allow_automate":"true","int_auto_schedule_slot":"06:00-18:00","int_auto_weekend":"off","int_automate_postpone":"false"}
int_vm_type : user This needs to be set as user so nothing else is automated
int_owner : EMAILADDRESS This is the email address of the user who owns the VM
int_slack_userid : SLACKID
This is added when using the /verifymyvm command#
The following commands need to be created in slack:
Starts your Azure User VM
VM Owner Verification
Gets some details about your user VM
Enable or Disable VM Automation on your user VMs, enter "enable" or "disable" as desired.
Stops the references VMs, if you're the owner and they are user VMs.
Get or Sets your VM automation schedule
and the webhook needs to be pointed to the Microsoft Flow commands.
The Flow commands need to be then pointed to webhooks on the Azure Runbooks